
When was the last time you tripped?

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When was the last time you tripped?




  1. almsot 2 days ! caz me and my frends bench every 1 at school and its jks! We are like 20 ppl tryin to bench all the nerds! lol

  2. magic mushrooms a few mounths ago...

  3. Technically, every night you go to sleep you experience a Psychedelic Trip due to the massive amounts of DMT produced right before you go into heavy ram sleep and right before you die.

    I actually live in a psychedelic trip =)

    I produce psychedelic trance and own a psychedelic trance record label =)

    boom boom~!

  4. i think yesterday or the day before

  5. 2 days ago

  6. this morning

  7. yesterday

  8. what's the time now?

  9. well i havent been able to trip i cant find any mushrooms very easyily but i did smoke a blunt last night and i trip in my driveway this morning on the concrete lol

  10. i was with Steven D a few months ago

    -dude, a tornado hit our apartment, hoooowwww are we gonna clean this up???????

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