
When was the last time you went to a drive in movie ??????

by  |  earlier

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  1. 1963

  2. a bunch of friends and I went to see Hancock earlier this summer.  It was a blast!

  3. like never. where do they have those things?

  4. The weekend that "The Dark Knight" came out.  

  5. Around 1982.

  6. Like a year ago we saw Halloween.

  7. a few years ago i saw shrek 2

  8. When How Stella Got Her Groove Back came out.

  9. Last summer

    i saw The Simpsons and Harry Potter

  10. haha when i was like 7, to

    see 'The Klumps';the nutty

    professor 2

  11. Last summer when I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End and Spider Man 3.

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