
When was the last time you were complimented?

by Guest44616  |  earlier

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when? and what was it for?




  1. last week for not being materialistic

  2. Yesterday, when I went out, I got told I looked nice and pretty.

  3. Some guy said I was hot  the other night. : /

    Yeah, it was like 90 degrees that night.

  4. I think - NEVER!!!!

  5. Within the hour, for being me!

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

  6. just now, in a message from another user lol.

  7. I seem to be getting those an awful lot lately...I really am not sure why...?

  8. davidM gave me a nice one about an hour ago!!!!!

  9. Not in a long long time...

  10. My memory wont trawl back that far

  11. about 10 minutes ago

    i was told i have lost wieght !! hay !!

  12. just... for my short bob  

  13. right now for answering this question.....

    well done me

    from me

  14. last thursday

    for looking nice

  15. This morning. My fiance said my dark jeans, and chocolate low cut brown top, looked beautiful on me.

  16. Yesterday for a pretty picture of me (which makes me sound like a munter in real life...oh well :( )

    Thanks for this question - it makes people appreciate the good. Have a star :D


  17. 5 minutes ago by my manager for what I am wearing

  18. today, apparently i am beautiful!

  19. Earlier today, one of the patients in the clinic loved my shirt. LMAO it was a male client! go figure!


  20. Lunchtime, new T-shirt.

  21. not long ago

    it was for my hair and i got another one for my looks just yesterday = )

  22. This morning...for my hair.

  23. This morning my husband told me I look beautiful


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