
When was the last time you were swept off your feet?

by  |  earlier

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( ^ _ ^ ) I suppose that almost getting run over by a car doesn't count?




  1. haha

    i have not yet had that feeling  

  2. Last night, I had someone open up to me and i've never felt like that before!!!

  3. last summer when i got thrown into a pool.

  4. When i met my fiance. I was homeless, my son was not living w/ me my ex at the time went to jail, my friends all turned their back on me they didnt offer a lending hand even though i was always there for them. then came this man that i never noticed that i worked w/ years ago, he said he remembered me and that he admired my smarts and dedication to my job at that time, he never once mentioned how beautiful i was to get me to be w/ him he was only intrested in what i had to offer in society. He never judged me and never tried to use my vunerabilty to get him closer,  he was always there for me no matter what, just like i always wanted a man to be. Since then weve had a child and we extended our children to one big happy family, This man truley swept me off my feet!!

  5. When you came to my door and we danced under the stars....oops! I was suppose to keep that our little secret......

    Well, when our oldest came to me and said," Mom, you are the best, You are the best mom in the world." That touched my heart.

  6. When my boyfriend returned from Iraq at the end of June, he literally pulled up, i ran out to meet him and he lifted me up off my feet....such an amazing feeling to hold him after 3months apart, hes gone back now for 11 weeks :(

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