
When was the last time you were undeniably, undoubtedly no-cheap thrills happy?

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And not the kind of happy you get after shopping, or eating but the real true to life genuine happy?




  1. when I met up with old friends I hadn't seen since high school. I was thrilled and extremely happy about it, partly because I wasn't expecting it at all.

  2. This afternoon. The happiness you inquire about comes to me often. At least seven times a week, and that's the least.

    I gotta good life, as poor as I am; I have to admit I have quite a lot. A lot of what I do have makes me happy, and I haven't been stoned for thirty five years!!

  3. Today, here and NOW!  I decided I was not going to wake up and spend everyday dwelling on all the things that were missing in my life, and start to focus on all the wonderful things I experience every day.  Since then, I have been living true, sincere happiness, and I never felt better about it!

    Thanks for reading!

  4. Playing "Space Oddity" on ukuleles with my son. He's so cute, and good at it too.

  5. I have a seven-year-old little brother whom I love dearly. I remember a few times I would fall asleep and wake up in the morning and find him asleep next to me in my bed. I had gotten used to this practice, and had begun to sleep on one side of the bed.

    A few months ago, he had begun to spend less and less time from me, and I had begun to fear that he was going to forget about me. Every passing day that I didn't see him was a symbol to me I was fading into the background of his life.

    Last night I slept on one side of the bed, my heart heavy, because I thought I had completely faded from his life. He walked in, just as I was dozing, and got in the bed, his arms around me, and layed there for a moment, then got up and left.

    He may have been sent in there with me, or he may have felt that I needed him as much as he needed me, but it drove a powerful uplifting message: I love you, I cannot, have not, and will not forget about you, but right now, I need my mother. My heart soared. I fell asleep easily last night, and with a single thought in my mind:

    I don't care who you might want to spend your time around right now. I know that one day, you will come to me, and I will be exactly what you need.

  6. Well, definitely during & after meditation & also during walks in a big park we have, which has lots of trails.  Also, love to see flowers & to create a garden & to try out recipes & to eat.  Heaven is enjoying my own cooking.  (and these days, being thankful to afford food & to find a free place to pick blackberries.

    I also felt a surge of happiness last wk, after a wk or participating in Answers.  It's made up of people of all ages, & I realized how much I was enjoying it because it was something new.

    So, there's always something new to try & friends to enjoy. Still, I'll always fall back on the meditation, which is always there for me no matter what.  It's an internal thing that provides true happiness.

  7. When I go running in the park during the evening, feeling the breeze, the night freshness, the moon, the solitude, sweating away and feeling good... or when I'm with the one I love.

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