
When was the last time your husband hit you b/c you did something he didn't like?

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When was the last time your husband hit you b/c you did something he didn't like?




  1. He shouldn't hit you. I think you might need to get a divorce because he can hit you so hard one day that he might kill you. Please get out of this harmful situation.  

  2. there is no reason to hit or be hit

  3. The night that I called the police and had him arrested for domestic abuse. Our divorce was final 3 months after that.

  4. If he values his life he will not hit me.  

  5. whoa ! first of all why are you with someone thats inflicts pain on you? thats not love my dear. believe me , i have been through a few physically abusive relationships and it doesnt get better. if he truly loved you he wouldnt do that. you really need to love yourself enough to leave that loser alone !

  6. you should never ever let anyone hit you let alone a man you should consider leaving this relationship it can get worse if it hasnt already  

  7. HA!!!  I DARE him to raise a hand to me!!

  8. If my husband ever raised a hand to me, it would be the last day he ever saw me..(he would be looking through a black eye, because I would hit him back). If your husband is abusing you, please get help immediately! No woman has to put up with physical abuse.

  9. The night I called the cops on him.  The first and last.  

  10. From some of your other answers and questions it seems like you are into this domestic discipline bull*hit.  You should be ashamed of yourself as should your sorry excuse for a husband...not much of a man is he if he hits a woman.  

    You make a mockery of marriage and that's pathetic.

    And how do you think this ridiculous type of question makes women (and men) feel who have been REAL victims of domestic violence???

    You make me sick.

  11. there shouldn't have been a last time because there should never be a first time. if he is hitting you he needs to seek help. also you should never accept that he is allowed to hit you. if you love someone hitting should never cross your mind.

  12. 2 weeks ago. But he didn't hit me, I just got a few pops on the bottom.

  13. Never. I'm not a child to be punished for disobeying his orders.

  14. My first husband beat the h**l out of me for absolutely any little thing I did to make him angry. He was a huge @ss! I finally realized I was worth something and didn't deserve the abuse I was going through.

    I re-married almost 11 years ago and my husband has never touched me. He's too decent and good to even consider doing something like that. There is no excuse for beating on your significant  other. If your husband is hitting you, I strongly recommend you get some help as soon as possible. The problem will NEVER get better on it's own!

  15. only a coward hits its partner .  

  16. This has to be a joke if not its way to disturbing to answer , call a shelter asap

  17. about 20 years ago.  I left his beating ways!!!

  18. hitting is never the answer

    cops can take a man in for hitting a girl/wife

    911 darlin

  19. Hitting never.  Will not accept that.  Actually that would be better than the emotional abuse he dishes out because then I would have physical evidence to get my divorce.

    By the way, it is called assault.  And after the third offense, becomes a felony conviction in most states.  Please get yourself somewhere safe.  He will not change.

  20. Never! B/c the minute he did that would be his last.

  21. He does not hit me! Geez!

  22. um never....he would never raise a hand at me.

  23. There's no good reason to hit or be hit. If he has you thinking that way, you are in an abusive relationship. I'm guessing you think you won't make it in the world without him. Nothing could be further from the truth. In most states if he hits you and you call the cops, he goes to jail. It's called asault and domestic abuse. I'd suggest counseling for you both if you want to stay together, but tell him the hitting stops NOW. Good luck.  

  24. NEVER!  

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