
When was the last your partner made you cry?

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when was the last your partner made you cry?





  1. this morning, becuase he threatened to leave me over our money issues :'(

  2. I've been crying almost every day. My fiance doesn't mean it. He just works really hard. I just have to be better for him! Wish me luck!

  3. I seem to cry every single week. However, I am 28 weeks pregnant and am super hormonal. I even cried one time when he was nice enough to go to the grocery store and he brought back the wrong kind of cereal. So, I would have to say that other than being pregnant, the only time I cried was on our wedding day.

  4. Only for happy reasons....  

  5. if you call this crying

    last he made me laugh until tears came out

    cries of happiness . last week at 2 am in the morning . we were remembering our past and that day we almost split to make our family happy . we re so glad we stayed together

    cries of sadness . i cant remember but i had some  

  6. Last night. Seems like you can't ask him anything. He always push me away. Feel like I'm in a relationship by my self.

  7. NOBODY "makes" me do anything.  I am responsible for my feelings.  My partner cannot make me cry - sorry.  

  8. some time ago. she bit me while giving me a bj. I think it was intentional

  9. yesterday, he just lost his dad 3 weeks ago. whenever i try to tell him i know what he's going through, we end up fighting because he doesn't think anyone in the world has had a harder life than him. when he's mad at me he says the meanest things he can to make me cry. then, he feels better.

  10. Last night actually, over something really stupid, most of you will think, but it is something me and him had just talked about not even 3 days ago, so when he did it again, it just made me angry, and i dont like talking. Everytime i have to talk to someone about how im feeling, or how what they did made me feel, i crack and start crying, so that is why....

  11. I cried at our wedding, tears of joy, and not since. He's a wonderful man.

  12. Last night.  He was being so sweet and romantic.  Tears of joy.  

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