
When was this Singer Sewing Machine Made?

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I have a singer sewing machine serial number G0132464 - could anybody help me with some info on this machine? I looked at the Singer sites and other sites with serial number information, but I couldn't find one that seemed to fit with the SN.




  1. The first answer is not true...

    Your machine is a Model 127. 35000 of them were released on June 25th, 1923 at the Singer Elizabethport factory in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

    Proof links below...

    Nice machine.

  2. Singer began in 1851 as I.M. Singer Corp. In 1865 it changed to Singer Manufacturing Company. Try looking under each name of this company - if all else fails, check with the Singer Company by phone.

  3. serial #G-0.132.464 was made in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1920

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