
When was you in a Train Wreck???

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How many Train Wrecks did you get in your Whole Life???




  1. One Major one. High speed derailment  (41 MPH)  on the head end in June 2006. Tore up 1881 feet on track, two switches, and came to rest in the middle of an intersection. Both the conductor and I walked out without a scratch.

  2. None, British Rail is good :D

    Suprised i haven't been in any since privatisation tho :S

  3. i have been in one train wreck about 30 years ago.It was a miniature train that you ride on and it fell off the track.We all got a free can of pop as compensation!

  4. yesterday! my train derailed off a hill slope and i am now sitting in hospital with several broken bones and a bruised head): by the way this is my 3rd train wreck and my worst

  5. My last one was around 1998(knock on wood). It was the 3rd one i've been in.

    That's not counting putting cars on the ground switching or just bad tracks in yards and industries.The 3 were major trip is over crashes lol.

  6. too many to count, most were low speed yard or branch line mishaps.

    Been quite a few years since the last one though. it was due to a sun kink.

    Wasnt my fault lol.

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