
When was your child potty trained?

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im pregnant with my second child and my first will not even be two when he/she is born. i want to introduce him to the potty in a couple months, but i don't think he'll use it. he doesn't even really know when he goes now even p**p...he doesn't care if he sits in it all day(not that he does i do change him). he is 14 months so i know that is kind of early to be thinking about potty training, but i want to to at least get used to the idea before the new baby gets here.




  1. My oldest was almost 3 and my youngest at 2 1/2.

    My younger brothers are 18 months apart.  My mom had the older one potty trained at 18 months so that she wouldn't have 2 kids in diapers.  It worked, but she said that he later wet his bed regularly.

    My 2 cents - when he's ready - you'll know.  If he's not showing any interest in the potty.... wait until he's ready.  2 kids in diapers may be easier than a newborn and a 14 mo old being potty trained when he's not ready.  That could be VERY frustrating.

  2. My son was potty trained right before he turned 3 in preparation for preschool. My younger son is 2.5 and is not yet potty trained. My experience is that potty training could be quite stressful for both moms and kids, and you will do yourself a lot of favor by waiting until the child is ready. Although once you decide to potty train, you must commit. Going back and forth will create a lot of confusion.

  3. by 12 months we started and by 16 months both of my boys were trained

  4. mine was 3 1/2.

    not interested in potty, too busy reading, writing and running around.

  5. My girl was 2 and my boy was 2.5.    It is daunting to think about having two kids in diapers at the same time, but the birth of the baby may be a good springboard into potty training.  All this "big boy" talk you'll do, plus the fact that the newborn has diapers will be great for potty training your little man.

    Good luck! It is tough having kids so close together, but worth it when they play together later.

  6. my daughter was 22months when my second was born.  With the new baby there were so many changes in the home potty training had to wait.  I started training her at 2 1/2 and she was trained within a week.  I think cause she was alittle older she understood better and caught on.  I put her in underwear in the morning and kept having her go to the potty every hour to get it.  It took one accident in her pants and she was potty triained.

    I would suggest waiting until after the baby is born and life is settled again.  The change in the household can cause a step back in the potty training as they try to hold on to your attention now that they are sharing you with a sibling.

  7. to be honest introducing potty training around the birth of a new child is not a good idea. This will just make potty training a longer and more stressful process. Major life changing events like new siblings, moving or even tragedy can cause set backs. Boys take longer and are by nature less mature than girls even in normal circumstances. My older two(a boy and a girl) were potty trained by 3. My youngest is almost 2 and we haven't started yet. Your son needs to show potty readiness on his own. This will include him asking about the potty, being able to follow basic instructions, being able to express his need to potty and feeling uncomfortable in soiled or wet diapers. He also needs to be able to stay dry during nap time. there are plenty of books out there on the subject and has loads of great help and info. Just from my own experience I wouldn't even start trying until your baby is a few months old. Best wishes and good luck with #2

  8. my son was fully pottied trained at 31/2 years old. i tried at 2 yrs a few times but, he just didnt seem ready. so i waited until he started wanting to wear underwear himself.

    start off slowly, you cant push him into it otherwise he will run the other way. i tried training pampers (total waste of time and money) i tried letting him run around with no undies (which helped cuz when he would have an accident, he got embrassed therefore, not wanting to have an accident again) the last thing that helped was telling him he was going to get spanked if he had another accident <---i know alot of people disagree with this but, all families and children are different and handle things a different or certain just happened to work for us. Also, asking REPEATINGLY if they have to potty. i eventually got sick of asking him but, i kept on it and sure enough...he was trained before turning if i can only get him to wipe his own butt before he starts school next year ; } oh and try praising.. "if you go to the potty, i will give you a popsicle!" okay thats more like bribeing but you know what i mean!? :)sound excited and happy too. then they will feel the same. good luck!

  9. My oldest was about 16 months.  My middle one was 2 1/2 and my younges was almost 4.

  10. All 5 of my children were potty trained by age 2.

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