
When was your first...?

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...REAL crush? How old were you? How old were they? Who were they? How'd it turn out?




  1. i was 12 in the 7th grade and on my friends sister...shes till but i dont crush on her was huge though.

  2. Probably at school in the late 1970's, on an english teacher.  She used to wear a brown leather mini skirt and sit on the front of her desk (no lie).  Odd thing that class, it was a mixed school, and probably the only lesson where all the boys used to sit front center in the classroom.

    How did it turn out, well she's in her mid 50's, lives less than 1/2 mile away from me and is a friend (she knew my parents even when I was at school).

  3. i was 12 it was my BFF robert, he had been my friend for 6 years and we never dated

  4. a)  1988 - 1989

    b)  15 - 16

    c)  18

    d)  A senior at my high school

    e)  It didn't ... I suffered in silence :(

  5. I was in 3rd grade. I had the biggest crush on my best guy friend that I had known since I was 4. I was 8 or 9 at the time and so was he. I had to move after the end of the school year, but ended up moving back to my old home town a few years after I graduated college. I ended up running into him at the convenience store right by our old school. It was so odd, because he looked exactly the same, just a lot older. I knew it was him. Turns out he married another girl we went to school with, haha! They have the cutest twin girls and I couldn't be more happy for him :)

  6. It was on one of my close friends. We were around 13-14 of age. I'm pretty sure he knew, but he still acted cool towards me.

  7. We were 14. We were in school together, and he was the first person I ever kissed. He wasn't g*y, but it was his birthday, and we were in the hall way. I wished him a happy bday, and he said, "do you want a kiss?" and he leaned over and kissed me. I heard birds singing and angels playing harps.

    I still remember that day. He ended up getting expelled from school.

  8. like rachel I had a crush on my 7th grade english teacher she was around 22 and just beautiful she was straight though and had a boyfriend =/

  9. My first crush was on my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Aragon.  He was just dreamy [to use a popular early 1970s pop word].

    So, I would have been 11 or 12.  He was, of course, an "older man" -- probably in his 30s.  It was complete "puppy love" -- I wasn't sexual at that time, so it was simply a crush.  And a wonderful one at that.  :-)

    It was the first time I realized that I was different.  And though I said I wasn't sexual at that age, I think my hormones were probably starting to wake up to begin the odd and mystifying phase known as puberty -- how else to explain my wanting to run my hands through Mr. Aragon's groovy hair?  So to answer your question about how it turned out, the crush ended when I moved on to 7th grade -- and on to junior high school.

    Once puberty REALLY hit me, I started having crushes on numerous boys in my classes throughout junior high and senior high.  In 8th grade [and this was back in the days when P.E. was mandatory], I suffered an injury and couldn't do any really strenuous physical activities, so the P.E. department head appointed me as towel monitor -- in the locker room showers.  For some reason, that was right around the time that I started masturbating -- gee, I can't imagine why they coincided!

    But if by "real" crush you mean one that was returned, that would have been my first boyfriend, in 11th grade.  The first boy I ever kissed -- and it was some major passionate kissing, let me tell you.  *sigh*  That old saying about how "you never forget your first love" is absolutely true.

  10. I was 13 and in 7th grade and I had the biggest crush on my english teacher. Lol I got an A in that class because I payed attention the whole time.

  11. i don't know, i've just had innocent little ones. but ony gf had a crush on me and we gve it a try and are now engaged. lol

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