
When watching/listening to adverts?

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Do some adverts put you off from wanting to buy the product due to the advert being stupid?




  1. Yes..I think it's quite safe to say I will NEVER open a Halifax account since the start of their singing commercials.

    And as for 'Picture' loans...

  2. Ever heard of a company called Safestyle UK?

    They're a great example.

  3. Why yes. Most ad's do, other than Cillit BANG!, You just cant get enough of it :D

  4. If they made the product look stupid then yeh

  5. All the time, those pissing me off especially at the moment are adverts for "Woolite" detergent for clothes and "Vanish OxyAction" all dubbed from some some vague European language into English and they hope we don't notice.

    I'm in Ireland so not sure if you have the same c**p adverts as we do.

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