
When we all go to heaven, inshallah,.............?

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will we grow old, or will we be the same age that we died, or will we all be a certain age, please help i really want to know.




  1. dont think about death so much, thats the problem with you muslims,be happy and live your life

  2. wow. another arab! cool.

    anyways my mom told me that we will be teenagers again. she always tells me stories about prophet mohammed. peace be upon him and allah, and everything else. hope this helped.

  3. The people of Paradise will enter Paradise in the most perfect and beautiful form, in the form of their father Adam (peace be upon him), whom Allaah created with His own hand and perfected his form and made his shape beautiful. Everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah created Adam in his form, sixty cubits tall… and everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam, sixty cubits tall…”

    Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5873; Muslim, 7092

    With regard to their ages, they will all enter Paradise at the age of strength and youth, thirty-three years old. It was narrated from Mu’aadh ibn Jabal that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The people of Paradise will enter Paradise hairless, beardless with their eyes anointed with kohl, aged thirty or thirty-three years.”

    Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2545. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7928

    It was also narrated by Ahmad (8505) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), with the words “thirty three years old”, with no doubt.  

    Ahmad Shaakir said: its isnaad is hasan.

  4. Agree will the first answer.

  5. Inshallah!

    when we are in heaven, I don't know the age but no on would be very old!

    I remember a sory toldby a scholar that onc an old lady came to Prophet(sawaw) and asked if she would go to the Jannah, Prophet(sawaw) replied saying that the lady won't go to Jannah but then Holy prophet(sawaw) said,' you'd enter Jannah when you are in a good conditon and young.'

  6. I'm not really sure, but it'll be great to find out.  God Bless.

  7. NO we wont GROW old and we will be inbetween 30-33 years old !

  8. Why did i get thumbs down?lol

    Like it or not, everyone will be 33 in heaven

  9. Read the holy book for answers. If there ain't any about your question, then be patient and you'll see hopefully the solution by your own very eyes in the afterlife.

  10. there is no detailed age but its sayed that we are gonna be at the age of man and womenhood when we are most smart and strong and beutyfull which is proofen to be at 30 to 35.

    PS. why r u worried its heaven you can choose your age and any other thing you want so goodluck.

  11. dunno, not there yet, but when I see my relatives, they are how I remember them, except with no faults, Grandma had only one leg, now stands on two in my dreams, grandpa walked with a cane, he needs none now, Uncle Dan overweight man, hes sized normal, but they seem to be the age of there death, same with my couple of younger friends,

  12. There is an incident from the Life of Holy prophet (saw) which explains this question. An old woman cam to Huzoor (SaW) and asked him about Heavens. Huzoor replied and then jokingly said that old people wont go to heaven. At this the old woman started crying. The Holy Prophet (saw) smiled and said,  Old people will got to heaven but they wont be old anymore, they will become young. This made the old woman happy. :)

    So yeah we all will be young when we go to heavens inshllah

  13. Time is a force of this world, not of the next.  Age will not be a concept in heaven.  The next life is eternal and time will not be a force there like it is here.  Hence, it is illogical to say that we'll be any age as time will be immeasurable.

    love for all, hatred for none

  14. every body will wake in the same position as they died. but in heaven we have free will, if you want to be old, young, it is up to you!!!

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