
When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart?

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then apologizes for doing so, why do we say 'Its alright'? It isn't alright, so why don't we say, 'That hurt, you stupid idiot'?




  1. Because it was an accident for one, and for two, if you call them an idiot, it just makes YOU look like an idiot.

  2. Because you don't want them to feel bad.

  3. if they apologize it was an accident.  how would you like it if i were to call you a stupid idiot for something you did not mean to do.  if you would like it then i guess try it out on someone.  you might also get a black eye next time instead of just your ankle rammed.

  4. I had that happen once and I asked the lady where she learned to drive, and she said "I never did" I told her "I believe that and thank God"

  5. b/c it was just an accident, what more can they do!

  6. Totalloy agree,  but that would be confrontational and cause a row.  Perhaps we should say please be careful next time?

  7. cause they acnkowledge that what they did was 'wrong' and hurtful. and we're trained to be polite by our parents, school, and society so it comes out automatickly even if tis not what we,re thinking.

  8. At least they apologized some people don't even do that. Saying the stupid idiot thing is just rude and uncalled for in my opinion.

  9. Basically, if they apologize they are admitting that they did something wrong and are sorry about it.  It was an accident.  When you say, "It's alright.", you are really saying, "It's alright NOW that you have apologized."  If someone hits you, then just keeps on going and you want to confront them, THEN you would say, "Watch out please." or "Be careful cuz you just rammed in to me."

    Stay away from confrontation unless necessary cuz someone out there might be crazier than you and is just waiting for someone to start something for them to go off on.

  10. Because if you accidentally hit someone with your shopping cart, you wouldn't want them to be a jerk about it to you

  11. Because you would want someone to do the same for you if you were the guilty party.

  12. Of course it hurts when somebody rams a shopping cart into your ankle. But did they do it on purpose? Most likely, no. When they say they're sorry, they are actually saying "I'm sorry, that was an accident." When say "it's alright", we're saying "I acknowledge it's an accident."

    Again, it's an accident. It hurts for like 1 minute. Get over it and move on with life. Besides, why would you want to cause a scene in a supermarket over something so little?

  13. you say what the h**l is your problem

  14. Because if you said somthing as rude as that, You are guilty of causing more harm than if that shopping Cart broke your foot.

  15. Because we try not to elevate a bad situation.  We're always trying to stay away from troublesome situations.

  16. They have bathed to apologizes which means it was an accident. Not many people go round doing that sort of thing on purpose.

  17. I agree with you.  In addition you should immediately fall to the ground and scream "you broke my ankle you dirty *****" and call your lawyer while you roll on the floor screaming insults at the person that carelessly rammed into you..

  18. When they apologize what's going on is they're expressing that it was an accident and if they had the choice they wouldn't have hit you.

    Reverse the situation.  If you ran into someone on accident and apologized you'd want them to understand that sometimes these things happen and not yell at you.

  19. You must be a sissy, I never say that's alright. I say "watch what the f your doing"

  20. bc you dont want to hurt them..

    just say what you feel like saying?

  21. I guess you don't want them to feel bad, because they didn't mean it. Of course if somebody hurt you on purpose, you certainly would say "that hurt, you stupid idiot" (with a few other things). Lol.

  22. its what we need to say. or ram the cart back at them see how they like it

  23. accidents happen im sure it wasnt malicious

  24. because they have bothered to appologise... we acknowledge them by saying it's all right.

    we all make mistakes... owning up to them is pretty big

  25. ..because being rude/offensive always a situation worse. I wd say - 'Well tht did hurt, but dont worry about it too much - it was an accident ok'

  26. I would swear and get angry, they might be apologetic but it still hurts and i dont think when I am angry

  27. What I don't understand is how more than one person can share the same ankle. If it was my ankle, I would probably say "it's alright" or something like that because the person at least had the decency to apologize, and obviously it was an accident.

  28. say 'no you're not' that's what i do lol

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