
When we die?

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Even though I'm religious, sometimes when I'm alone and its quiet, i just think when i die nothing is gonna happen.. just blank for eternity (billions and billions of years past and it could be just a second for you) and it scares me a little and starts to make me see things differently. do you guys sometimes think this as well?

and say nothing does happen when we die than why are we living? what's the point?

farr I'm only 15.. is it normal to think of these stuff..




  1. yup. i thought about it today as a matter of fact.

  2. take the construction hat off and read the bible

  3. We experience more than one level of awareness:  sleep, watching sports, reading the Bible.  What portions of our Childlike joy, love, truthfulness, purity are being experienced, rise by virtue of their vibrancy and God-harmony.  These are our soul-realization in heaven.

    Those portions of childish selfishness, greed, etc. are either reformed or are lost.

    Thus, one passes on daily, as well at the end of one's tenure on earth.  Each night is a dying to this world's sense, and our waking subconscious, our childlike and childish inner sense, becomes our dreaming conscious, and also our post-passing conscious.  Kindly read "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, and "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, for some insights about this.

    Imho, when you are meditative, reflective, quiet, that level of awareness could be similar to pre-sleep passing from sense involvement to sleep, death.  Of course that is the quietest time for the outer waking conscious, and unless one at that moment is loving God, feeling joyful in that way one is joyful in a bright dreamscape, one's "being" at that quiet time is simply heading toward sleep, non-being.  After a period, not measured by time, the sleeping soul cocoons, makes dreams to make sense, and eventually has happy dreams.  At that point, helper beings try to communicate with the dreamer or the passed-on one...but it is not an easy awareness to move into.  However, a person would tend to find that joy of beautiful sunlit meadows as somewhat more "real self" than the quiet presleep "blankness."  However, a person, having awakened to the fact that "I'm dead...and I still live!", can, by repentance, re-thinking, incorporate the quiet blankness for what it is:  a lack of love of God prior to sleep or passing on.  This lack of love of God, of "I-Thou," is a potential source of doubt, even despair.

    What is important during one's 15th year is faithfulness to the Light of God, to the "I Am the Light of the World" of Christ's living Word, the "red letters" of the Bible, unto God-obedience.

    Asking God to be protected, taught, and healed as your body rests at night is important and productive.

    You might appreciate the perspective of Mark Prophet in his "The Path of the Higher Self."

  4. when our sins will be at extreme.

  5. I always think about this and I also belive in God.

  6. Yes lots of people do ....when you think about it and learn about it a little more it won't be so just becoming older, so your mind is blowing itself away with new questions

  7. Man has been asking similar questions four thousands of years.

    I personally believe the same thing,   but I don't let it scare me.  Life is far too precious to waste it worrying about the afterlife,  or the lack thereof.

  8. It's very normal. We all think these things. Just have faith and live your life while your here the best you can. Appreciate and love your family and friends. That's what counts.

  9. Yeah sometimes i feel the same way when i start thinking about stuff like that when its personally im not religious, and most times i just tell myself there is probably rebirth.....but no one can really tell what happens, there is no proof you go up or down or even stay as a ghost, there is no proof of can just hope.

  10. I've been thinking about these things since I was 6 years old and I'm 37 now. The truth is there are many questions with no answers and the unknown is so scary. But life itself is filled with unknown, we just don't know what will happen to us tommorrow. My point is live while your alive and as the song says sleep when your'e dead. No one knows what happens and thinking it over and over still will not present you with an answer, so forget about it. Trust.

  11. I'm 17 and think of this all the time.

    i think when we die our spirits leave our body.

    i believe in most of the beliefs of Christianity, but think the bible is exaggerated

  12. friend you are asking the question backward. it is not why we live if we is more like why we die if we live. for example we can say that we are living because we can die. if we cannot die then we are not truly alive.

    once we die we no longer live and it is not blank or boring or anything. you just no longer have any conscious for those thoughts. you are gone.

  13. yeah everone thinks of that stuff sometimes its perfectly normal. The point is to be an honest caring person.

  14. Thoughts enter our minds all the time, about all sorts of things and that is imagination.  The point of imagination is to be able to see beyond our limitations.  Try not to make more limitations by seeing a big fat nothing, use your mind to see something wonderful or silly or try reading the Chronicles of Narnia from start to finish or Alice in wonderland when you get bored.

  15. Well I imagine it would be a similar feeling to that of the time before you were born. Probably best not to worry about your death.

  16. No one knows when will die. God Only knows that. don't think when will you die .it makes your life worse......just be happy and live your life ...

  17. of course it's normal to think about these things. we humans have the right to be curious! atheists believe nothing will happen when we die. you decide what you think is going to happen. i'm a christian, so i'm going to heaven. some people prefer to simply cease to exist. there are a lot of beliefs out there. i'm not here to like convert you or anything by saying im a christian btw.

  18. The purpose of life - to learn , experience,  grow,  enjoy, and love God.

    It's normal to contemplate our mortality.

    The trick is to not be worried by it.

    Every body has a soul. Bodies die. Souls don't die, they go somewhere.

    Where do they go?  Who knows. Most likely  back to where they came from.

    One thing for sure, God is good and whatever happens after we die, his plan for us is to be in bliss and enlightenment.

    Always look for JESUS and call his name if you ever feel lost and don't know way which to go. The HOLY SPIRIT brings comfort.

    These rules apply to this world & the next.

    So, while you are alive, FORGETABOUTIT!! Have fun, Do good works of charity, Go to college, fall in love, make babies and a lot of money, Party and Pray, eat good food, enjoy friends and family, Serve God, Get old and drop dead.

    That's it.

  19. I understand.

    Personally, I'm starting to believe nothing is what happens. And since we don't experience true nothingness in our lives, who can say if its the cold black feeling that must people think of when it's mentioned? It might be kind of nice, for all we know.

    And in all honesty, afterlife, from how it is normally described, sounds like it would suck. Like, If you were happy all the time, wouldn't happiness stop being happy? Also, I can't imagine doing the things I do now for, um, eternity o.o Why? because I have always felt limited by my human emotions and actions. like, is this all I'm going to feel? Is that all I'm going to do? Is there some huge feeling completely unbeknownst to humanity? Maybe nothingness is that feeling we lack, or maybe Im just a creepy sleep deprived 13 year old.

    well, goodnight, and tata for now.

  20. I'm thoroughly convinced that when I die, it will be like it was before I was born. I simply will not exist. Selfish as I am, it's really hard for me to think of myself as just some transient being who will soon disappear from this reality, but it's the only possibility that makes sense to me. You won't be waiting. You just won't be. I think that you are your mind, so without your mind, you will cease to be.

    That is an extremely normal thought. I had thoughts exactly like that when I was your age, and, like you, I usually tried to push them away. Believe what you want to believe.

  21. First off, it is completely normal.  Second, better and smarter people have tried and failed to imagine what nothingness (which is what you're describing) would be like.  My personal theory is that religion evolved from this natural fear of nothingness.  I mean, even if the afterlife is eternal hellfire and demons, at least I KNOW what that will be like, right?  If I can't even imagine nothingness then I will be more afraid of it.

    However, I think that as people get older it's natural to see that death doesn't make life meaningless, in fact it gives life meaning.  If we lived forever it wouldn't matter what we did, because in the long run we'd have done everything anyways.  Having only a certain amount of time to live lets us define what our lives mean by our actions, and although we may not be around to see that impact forever we know that we all live our little parts in the chain of human existence.

  22. When I start thinking severly, I usually drink. It's a terrible habit honestly but it helps me organize my emotions better. It's been about three years since I've been clean of ANY substance (I'm cigarette free for two years, marijuana free for about two months) and I find that without any influence my mind gets too rabid for me to concentrate effectively.

    That being said I understand what you're talking about. Sometimes I think the silence would be peaceful - drifting away into the outer reaches of the universe. Yet when you really consider the implications, how cold is that? Endlessly floating towards an empty black infinite? There has to be better than that, our actions MUST mean more than that. I believe in a divine creator, I don't call it God or Allah or anything, just a force of power that inspired everything around us.

    I don't believe emptiness is the end.

  23. im 15 as well and think about it all the time, i am not religious, not athiest, just unsure. i don't like the idea of darkness and nothingness, but sadly it is either that or, if RE at school has taught me anything, im going to h**l.

    after death anything could happen but as all religions say it i am quite sure there is somthing after death, all religions can not be wrong??

    it is just one of those big questions man has asked since the begining

  24. I'm religious too, but in the end we don't know. some say that there's nothing, some people believe in Heaven etc. I'm not sure myself sometimes. It's OK to wonder,but in the end we can settle on any belief, but we won't know the truth until we die.

  25. Yes, something does happen. So follow your religion. It's natural to have feelings of doubt. That's Satan tempting you. Withstand it and ask the Lord to put the devil behind you. After you die you'll wind up in one of two places. You know that.

  26. Some have one belief, others another one, some have none at all. What is sure is that you will find out when the time comes. The time now is for living, and having these questions is quite normal, also a part of living.

  27. I'm agnostic and I'm pretty sure nothing happens after you die... Actually what scares me is thinking that if something does happen, you will exist FOREVER. I'd almost rather nothing happen because the thought of you being around forever and never ever ending is scary to me.

    Why would something happen to us after we die and not every other animal? Think how long humans have been on the earth compared to how long the earth has been in existence... Humans are just animals (maybe we have more intellect) and it seems egotistical to me to think something happens after you die. It makes perfect sense that your memories (which are collected in your physical brain) die when you die, so there's nothing to be scared about.... Because when it's over it's over.

    Oh and to answer your other question, there is no point. We just are, and when it's over we are no more. The comfort you can take from this is since you cannot do anything about it anyway, you know all you CAN control is your life; so make it as good as you can make it.


  29. YES I think it's normal, sometimes I think about it and although I know i have nothing to be scared of am afraid of it.
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