
When we do not conserve forests, what effect does it have on wildlife?

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When we do not conserve forests, what effect does it have on wildlife?




  1. I have never heard of any species ever being killed off the planet Earth, because of logging. Harvesting trees lets the sun hit the ground which lets new plants grow to feed all critters!

  2. many species may not be killed off...but many MANY individual animals and their families are. they lose their homes completely and therefore there sources for food. and if it keeps up, we will lose entire species.

  3. we will destroy the habitat of many animals & also the animals would get nothing to eat & ultimately they will turn to cities & start eating human beings

  4. Many wildlife species depend on forests for their survival. They get their food from insects, fruits or animals that live in or grow on trees. They nest in the hollows or the branches. When you remove the trees, the animals that were living there no longer have food or a place to nest and nearby forests may already be occupied and at capacity, so the animals die.

    After timber harvesting, there are also large areas that become open space which fragments habitats. Species needing to cross this open space to find a mate or more food are more vulnerable to predator attacks.

    After timber harvesting, a forest will hopefully regrow, but it will take between 50 - 200 years (depending on the tree) to start getting the hollows needed for homes. In the meantime, hollow dependent species (birds, possums, squirrels) have no home and may become extinct or endangered in that area.

    Also, often after logging, the tree species that regrow can be only one or two types, meaning biodiversity has been severely reduced. If you are an animal that needed food from certain plant species or a predator of this animal, and these plants did not grow back, as often happens, you no longer have food and can die out.

    If we continue to treat forests in the way they are being treated around the world, we will lose many many 1000s more species. We have already lost many species, and millions are threatened or endangered with extinction.

  5. Destroying forrests is to animals like  planes hitting the twin towers is for us.

  6. They must move into your back yard to live and find food.

    That is not acceptable to most people.

    Deer love to eat your flowers.

    Rodents eat holes in your home.

    Bears and raccoons dump your trash cans in search for food.

    Skunks stink up the neighborhood.


    If they don't find a home and food in your place of residence, they will die.

  7. as far as i know, as i living in a tropical rainforest, wildlife gives the soul of the forest.  it run their own cycle that suits their habitats and food behavior.

    for example, not all birds species can find their food on the ground.some on trees, while flying and in the water.

    while their habitat is taken, it wont die...suddenly.  wildlife are very sensitive with surrounds..when they feel like the place are not suit to them, they'll find other places where there are food and shelter.. and that is why farms and houses always be their best options.. then people kill them.

    wildlife also has its own teritory. when it shrink, their activity will be limited. and sometimes will reduce mating process..

    the wildlifes are very unique.. it differ base on the species.  every sp has its own ability and speciality to survive.. when one of the chain broken, it will break the whole chain

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