
When we finally get a new - hopefully efficient government?

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which one of the recent stupid laws should be abolished first?




  1. the key word is hopefully

  2. And who do you propose forms this new government?Not Diddy David and his private school cronies surely?

  3. Now theres a question, there are so many stupid laws to choose from.The one you mention would be a good start.

    Why are people assuming the Tories will win the next election? I will vote for them (Tories) but-knowing this crafty government they will, or already have, a plan to ensure victory, probably through bribery and corruption, after all its what they know best.

  4. The truth is Trish, it doesn't matter what po;itical party gets in,

    things will not change because we have a closed dictatorship within the mainstream three, that stops other up and coming parties like BNP and UKIP entering the arena.                      

    People are not voting for change, they are voting to get New Labour out this is a sideways step that creates no change . Real change comes when people make a real effort and vote away from the mainstream and put what they believe in first. The Tories are definitely not my vote because its not the best person for the job, an MP is selected on his/her eligibility to fit into a preconceived PC objective.

    ATB Red

  5. Hopefully never! Government should be slow, small and inefficient. This way it's up to the people to take care of yourself and that's how I like it!

  6. You sound like a Tory Trish they have never given us anything better before so why would they now.As i hear Tories telling us all the time the current government are nicking our policies well it seems none of them worked so i wish you luck with your efficient government!

  7. Don't expect Cameron to solve all the country's problems just like that.  He has no interest in the working class whatsoever and will s***w us even more.

    Oooooh yeah!

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