
When we go to take SAT II test, if we are taking more than one can we choose which test to take first?

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um no this is not South Carolina i live in NJ and I highly..doubt you took SAT II in fifth grade




  1. That Sky person has no clue what he or she is talking about...

    And yes, if you are signed up for more than one test it is your decision to decide the order in which you take them in. Essentially, you are given a booklet with all the SAT IIs that are being given on that day, no matter which ones you are taking. You are given an hour for each test that you are signed up to do. After the hour is completed you are not allowed to look back at the other test. Also, you can change which test you are taking or add a test without notifying the collegeboard beforehand, they will just bill you later.

  2. This is in South Carolina, right? If I'm not mistaken. I don't really think you can pick what's first. Then again, when I was in SC, I only took the SAT when I was in 5th grade, that was a few years ago.

  3. I believe you are supposed sign up for a certain order, but I am pretty sure that you can take them in any order you want on the day of the exams.  You mark off which SAT II exam you are taking for each one, so it isn't a problem.

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