
When we take road trips with my kitten, sometimes she throws up in the car! How can we prevent this?

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She has free roam of the car, with a litter box in the trunk. She's three months old, and the road trips are 2-5 hrs long. She's gone on four of these and thrown up on two. She always throws up in the trunk, and the trips are usually in the morning to the afternoon.




  1. Instead of letting her have free roam of the car, try a crate/cat carrier.  It will make her feel more secure and steady.  If this doesn't work, call your vet and they can give you something to keep her from getting car sick.  We used to have to give my cocker spaniel something or he got so sick!

  2. You should keep her in a carrier for her safety. You could get a larger one so you can put a litter box in there. You should be able to seat belt in it place. She's getting car sick. I have one cat that gets car sick. She can't quite make it an hour. She's in a carrier seat belted in.  

  3. Keep her in a carrier and place it high enough for her to see outside.  

  4. I think kitty has a little case of carsickness! I believe i know how to get her to stop, based on what I've learned from past experiences:

    Maybe you should let her sit up front with you or in the seat next to you. She's closer to the front that way and she'll feel better. You can also try opening the sunroof, if you have one, or you can open one of the windows on the door and keeping kitty safe in a cage (with air holess ^^) in the passenger seat. The fresh air will chase away her feelings of sickness and she'll be less likely to puke. If all else fails, be sure to stock up on plastic ziploc bags! =D

    Hope this helps you and kitty ^^  

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