
When we walk away from light the shadow is moving faster. Is this a reason why the shadow is mysterious?

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When we move away away from a source of light above us the shadow moves faster. That might be another reason why the shadow is viewed as mysterious because it is swift and ephemeral.

What is your knowledge about moving shadows and speed?

Thank you.




  1. Nothing mysterious. As any nature phenomenon, the shadow must 'play' according to the Nature's Laws.


    There is a drawing at Photobucket, named Shadow, but I can't put the link in the answer.

    It's easy to find. At Photobucket just type rozeta53 and you'll see the drawing.

    End of mystery.

  2. It all relates to the angle between you nad the light source. When it's directly overhead, your shadow is at your feet. As you move away, the angle grows. So think of a triangle. with the ground as the base, the light the upright and the angle from the light to your head as the hypoteneuse. As you walk away from the light, the hypoteneuse gets longer and longer. hence throwing the shadow longer. You can't outrun it, but it isn't mysterious.

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