
When wearing the rashguard, is it necessary to wear the bikini top underneath?

by Guest32650  |  earlier

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When wearing the rashguard, is it necessary to wear the bikini top underneath?




  1. no, and i actually promote that, especially if youre with me ;)

  2. I think the answer to this question depends on three factors.  It definitely depends on the thickness of the material.  You don't want people to be able to see if you are cold or not all day (if you know what I mean).  The second factor is how well the rash guard fits you.  You want one that is nice and form fit to supply support as well as keep it tight on you all day.  If it is too loose and you get tossed around by a wave, there is no telling where the guard is going to be hanging when you come up out of the water.  Finally, your bust size definitely matters.  If you have an athletic build, it is probably ok.  If you bouncing are all over the place, it's probably not the best idea (unless you are trying to attract attention).  This one kind of goes hand in hand with #2.  Hope that helps.  Like one of the other guys said, I have friends that do both.

  3. It's all a matter of personal preference and how thick the rashguard is.  I know girls that wear bikini tops underneath and ones that don't.

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