
When were you ready for another?

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My son just turned one. He is my first and I would like to have two children and have them not be too far apart in age. When were you ready for your second?




  1. We started trying when my son was 4.  It took about a year to conceive and our baby girl was born 2 months ago.

    I kind of wish i had them closer together, so they would have someone to play with, things in common....etc.

    But, on the other hand, I was able to spend lots of time with my son and now will have the same time with my daughter since my son is starting school full time.  I really enjoyed that time with him and am sure i will enjoy it with her too.

  2. I found out i was pregnant when my first son was only six months old.  Needless to say i WASNT ready.  However, they are the best of buddies now (when they aren't beating one another over the head). I am actually kind of glad that i had them that close, because i was able to reuse alot of the baby stuff that i had, because i held on to it knowing i already had another on the way, and camlin got used to sharing mommies attention at only 15 mos, so he doesn't fuss to much when i am not able to devote myself solely to him. Anyway, i decided that i want another in about two years, when my oldest starts school, and my youngest is potty trained.  Until then the baby factory is shut down!

  3. When my daughter was 18 mos I really wanted another and I got pregnant in 2 months. With this took forever, my son is now Those two kept me very busy, but now they are both in school, so it was time for #3.

  4. I was ready for another baby when my son was a year old and he had no one to play with his age. I got pregnant when he was 15 months old and I am due to have my second baby boy via c-section this coming friday. Couldn't have worked out better, my baby boy will have a brother to play with. It is considered to be best if babies are born no longer than 2 years apart because of the risks of

  5. We started trying for our second right after my daughter turned one.  It took us 18 months and I am now 6 months pregnant with #2.

    It took us 10 years to have our daughter so we knew time was not on our side!

  6. We started trying for number 2 when our son was 4, our daughter was born when he was 5.  And with number 3, we started right after our daughter turned 4, so there are 4 years between our 2 daughters.  And for me, I love the age difference.  I only have one baby in diapers, and my kids get a long great.

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