
When wet and dry items are put in a pile do they smell?

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my rrommate always yells at me cause i just trow my wet towels in the same hamper as the dry. She says it make the dry clothes smell afterwards i dont believe her but shes fixed on it.




  1. yes.  And can also cause mildew damage to clothes, which is impossible to fix.

  2. yep, sorry to say shes right. It does make the other clothes smell, and sometimes that smell is really hard to get out, even after you wash it.  and if its left too long, it can mold and ruin all your clothes.

    we always hang our towels over the shower curtain rod to dry. or spread them out on the bathroom floor if its wet too.

  3. Yes it does smell, but its doesn't smell absolutley foul, at first  It is just a little well stinky.  But it can get moldy & disgusting .Why don't you go to the Christmas Tree store & get some hampers & lable them. For expample write on one- Wet Towls on another Dry Towles on another Dirty Clothes ect. It will make your life + ur roomates alot easier!

  4. Yes it does!!! my boyfriend trows his wet towels on the bed bacteria breeds quite fast and need the moister to breed. please hang you wet stuff first before you put it in the hamper so everything won't smell moldy.

  5. I hate to say this but your roommate is right.  You can't just pile a wet towel into a hamper with clothing, because the towels never "dry" in the hamper, making them and your other clothes damp and mildewy... Yuck!

    You need to allow your towels to hang-up for at least a day before you add them to the hamper otherwise you will ruin your towels and your clothes.  Once your towels get mildew/mold growing in them is to add bleach to the machine, but if they are dark towels they will lighten in color after each load.

  6. Yes it does. Hang your towel up and let it dry before putting in the hamper.A wet towel can mildew if left to long.

  7. yes

  8. yes, it makes things smell if it is left for more than a day, dont be so lazy

  9. unfortunatley yes

    and its soooo gross

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