
When will AF arrive??

by  |  earlier

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i have a 27 day cycle but my last AF came on cd 33, i thought i was pregnant but then AF arrived. so my question is when will AF come this month? will it every 33 days from now on? today is day 27 and no sign of AF, hope it doesn't come i want a BFP :) has this happened to you? thanks for your help!




  1. You have two phases in your cycle each month, the Follicular phase and the Luteal phase.

    The Follicular is the phase that makes pinpointing your next period such a hard task.  This phase is the days from the first day of your period to the day of ovulation.  The length can vary month to month from just a day or two shorter or longer than average to a week or two shorter or longer.  If your period is longer this month, chalk it up to a later-than-normal ovulation day.  

    The second phase, the Luteal phase, is consistant with its timing.  The Luteal phase is almost always the same length of days, given a day or two either way.

    You won't know exactly when your period will come unless you know exactly when you ovulated and how long your Luteal phase is.  I recommend

    Definitions (So you know what happens during each phase):

    Follicular Phase: The first phase of the menstrual cycle. During this phase, a follicle containing an egg develops in the ovary.

    Luteal phase: The luteal phase is the day after ovulation and runs through the remainder of a woman's cycle.   It is also frequently referred to as "days past ovulation" or "DPO".  During the luteal phase a women produces progesterone increasing her temperature.  The higher temperature acts like an incubator which is important in maturing a fertilized egg if conception has occurred.  

  2. it may have just been a one off that it was on cd33, but i would wait till cd33 again, and if no af i would do a test then, good luck  

  3. Unfortunately I can't tell you the answer to this because AF's have a mind of their own :-( They come when they want to, when we are just about getting our hopes up that this is our month then the wicked witch comes. If you've been tracking your ovulation then you can expect your period 14 days after that. This may help to give you more of an idea when AF is going to arrive. Baby dust to you and me :-)
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