
When will American politicians quit saying Israel has our unconditional support?

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When will American politicians quit saying Israel has our unconditional support?




  1. I hope never, that would a sad, sad day.  

  2. Sadly, whenever they run out of money. As long as many Jewish people in the united states have a very large amount of money and power, the "state" of Israel will always have american support. I just wish it would be treated like any other nation, and not like a money laden, theocracy.

  3. It's a sad fact of life , that they will continue to do so as long as there is a substantial Jewish voting bloc in the US.

  4. There are too many Jews controlling the government for that to ever happen. Take offence to it, but it's true.

  5. If you look at history, Jews have always been the type that complain and whine about their present conditions and receive sympathy from others. They use that to their advantage and make huge money out of that. They are also very effective lobbyists and use that skill to control Congress. As everyone well knows, Obama first went to AIPAC, the jewish lobby, when he found out that Hillary was dropping out...

  6. Never.  Israel is the most democratic and least corrupt nation in the middle east region.  They collaborate with us in commercial and military research and development.  If it comes down to it they're a solid and dependable foothold in a strategically important region.  Why would we not support them?

  7. Silly, isn't it?

    Sad to see how fearful these politicians are about saying the "wrong" thing about Israel. They literally tremble when the subject comes up.

    I suppose Israeli supporters laugh hysterically when they see a politician be so fearful of Israel.

    "We got them by the balls!" They must repeat to themselves.  

  8. they should but they wont because the jews own this country. Dont get me wrong--i love the jews, i live in a jewish neighborhood. We should get all of them over here. But they should not be living in israel because everyone hates them there and we have to be hated too because of our association with them.

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