
When will Americans stop watching 'Everybody Loves Raymond', and demand a labor party?

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We have a left and right wing of the corporate class. I see nothing special about this Presidential election. They are all just actors being advised what to say, and are corporate controlled.




  1. Labor party?? You're kidding right? We've been conditioned to advocate against our own best interest. Most Americans when they hear the word "union" or "labor" they picture a fat corrupt racist union boss who refuses to work and blames management for anything.

    Labor party is NOT going to happen in the USA. Sorry to sound cynical, but who's going to get that sort of thing going? Republicans? Democrats? Lobbyists? LOL

    Everybody Loves Raymond sucks hard, I can't stand that show.

  2. And you think a labor Party would be any different? I do not understand your thinking.

  3. you're absolutely right. unfortunately decades of the cold war has created a mortal fear of "socialism" for many americans. they would rather vote against their own interests than recognize that classism is real and that those who hold economic and political power do not have their best interests in mind.

  4. The lemmings are too fat and lazy and in love with the local Walmart.

  5. Everybody Loves Raymond is a good show... pick on a stupid show, like... keeping up with the Kardashians or something.

    to the point:

    we definately need AT LEAST 3 major parties, i'd like to see more than that, and i'm a liberal democrat.

  6. Everybody loves raymond, friends, American Idol, the dumbazz dancing with the stars shows, America's got talent, etc etc...

    Anything we can do to escape from reality.

    I was at a friends house and one of these dumbazz shows happened to be on the TV and we all stopped and watched it for about 3 minutes and I got up and said...WTF, are we doing watching this chit! We're grown people watching this crazy unrealistic c**p, let's play monopoly are something and turn this chit off.

  7. I am ready, count me in, they've got the guns but we've got the numbers, we're taking over

  8. your face

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