
When will Americans wake up and throw out the Democratic congress that has put us into this nose dive?

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When will Americans wake up and throw out the Democratic congress that has put us into this nose dive?




  1. What nose dive?

    The one the Republicans caused?

  2. let's just hope that congress has awakened the sleeping giant-----and will be tossed out in November-----and that it won't take another frightmarish 4 years to bring people to their senses.  

  3. That would be nice.  

  4. The Democratic Congress put us into this nose dive?!?  It was a Republican Congress that rubber stamped everything that President Bush put in front of them for 6 years.  This included tax breaks for those who shouldn't have gotten tax breaks because apparently less money being paid to the government somehow gives them more money (I've yet to figure that one out).  

    Admittedly, the Democratic Congress hasn't done much to clean up the mess made by 8 years of Republican rule in Congress*, but that's partly because of no super-majority in Congress.  For things to really get done in Congress, 60 senators need to agree on things.  This breaks a filibuster and overrules a President's veto.  If the Democratic Congress had this super-majority, then you'd notice stuff getting done.

    *1998-2006: Congress made it impossible for President Clinton to do anything from 1998 to 2000.  Apparently trying to impeach a sitting president for lying about a ******* he got under his desk was a more pressing need than what UN Weapons Inspectors were seeing in Iraq.  From 2000-2006, they were doing whatever President Bush wanted them to do.

  5. beg you pardon, who has been in charge for the last eight years.

  6. Good question. They will wake up when things get worse and worse.

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