
When will Americans wake up?

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"care" as in actually do something proactive for your country, instead of keeping the status quo every eight years. plus I overgeneralized, because I believe mos Americans are at worst idiots, and at best naive




  1. We do care..Just because people don't share your opinion, doesn't mean we DON'T Care.

    And BTW, I get up at 6:50 A.M. On the weekdays. (SCHOOL SUCKS.)

  2. Thanks, I've been trying to figure things out and there, you have fixed everything.

  3. I set my alarm for 6:30, but then hit the snoose.  On weekends I sleep-in till around 8:00 -- I don't need an alarm for that.

    America's alarm clock busted a number of years back.  We had a good one, but I think Pres. Nixon took it to Red China with him and brought back one of theirs as a replacement.  Or the Reds may have taken it and slipped in one of theres to coverup thier actions.

    Anyway, that alarm clock, though it is ticking and sometimes rings it bell, is not capable of waking up Americans.  We keep bringing in more alarm clocks from Red China and a lot of other stuff to that we once could make for ourselves.  Its cheaper that way.  

    But a lot of cheap eventually adds up to one big expensive.  And that is where we are today.   Asleep with this big expensive alarm clock that is designed not to wake us up.

    After the election, I'm going to just hit the snooze button, roll over, and try to get some sleep.

  4. Americans are mostly hardcore rightists who think almost anything that is somewhat radical is bad.

  5. I will have to agree with you on this.

  6. just like any big rulers the British the French the Chinese they are ruthless you just have to hope its not your country they will be ruthless on

  7. well i'm from the UK...i think you are doing FANTASTIC in the Olympics & i think YOU should stop being SO unpatriotic my friend!!

  8. Since most Americans are in a coma, it is not likely they will ever wake up!  Yes, I am an American.  I am an American by birth, not choice.  I am 54 years old and fed up with the complacency and ignorance of the people.   Do we really believe we are told the truth?  Wake up Americans and smell the deceit!

  9. Is it just Americans that are guilty of this, or is it people in general?

    I think waking up to caring about the world should apply to everyone in general. How could it not? Anything else would be discrimination against Americans and the rest of the world. Does not the rest of the world need waking up? Is there not a war in the middle east? Is there economic perfection in eastern europe? Is Australia's stance on immigration perfect? Did Britian not spawn imperialism? Is every Asian country completely perfect in it's history? Does Africa not have it's own issues?

    No. No country is perfect. To hold Americans to your standard, you must also hold the world to the same standard, or you are guilty of discrimination.

    Every nation needs to do it's best for the good of the world.

    Oh yes, and it might be helpful if you list the ways Americans can actively go about caring about their nation, for that may help. Perhaps like what you are currently doing to start the movement that will lead everyone to political enlightenment and this 'patriotism' that you speak of. I am sure there are a great many of people just waiting to be inspired and start a revolution.

  10. The alarm has already rung and America is still asleep. What will wake us up? Nothing, unless we pull our collective head out of our collective dream.

  11. You're pretty stupid, you know that?

  12. say what?!

  13. Americans?

    What is the matter with you?!

    America is a continent with 37 nations and 960 million people

    of those 320 million in Anglo America the other 640 in Latin America.

    America is no more a nation than Europe, Africa or Asia.

  14. First of all, you can't generalize ANYONE like that, because there are people that agree with you, disagree with you, and don't care what you're saying.

    What exactly can you do. Care? I care about many things. Many people care about many things. Many people don't. Just because this has been your experience with the government, or your opinion doesn't mean its the opinion of everyone, so you can't impose your thoughts, feels, and opinions on other people, because that is NOT CARING about what other people feel, and that is NOT being patriotic at all.

  15. They won't! Ignorance is bliss! They will just roll over and go back to sleep. If things keep going they will slowly be sliding into a state where they will no longer be FREE to do as they please. Then they may wake up!

  16. Never. The USA is doomed.

  17. wow, i heard people say the same thing 40 years ago....

  18. i usually wake up around 4-5 ish every morning :)

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