
When will Arabs embrace a secular world order? ?

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Through my studies, I have seen that Europe emerged out of the Middle Ages after it adapted a secular world order. The Church was separated from the state and people were free to worship whomever they desire.

Man became the center of attention and strife was over.

Arabs are killed, kill, and seen as terrorists because they refuse to separate the state from religion.

All of the corruption, murder, and chaos are practiced in the name of Allah.

I am a non-believer and I perceive that this is unfair even for Allah.

Wake up and look around!

I am not asking you to drop your faith and follow me; all what I am asking is for you to start looking at people as people and not as demonic demons.




  1. As long as islam promises salvation to those who kill in the name of allah, the arabs will never see the error of their ways.

  2. I think it's already happening, slowly tho.

  3. Not really necessary. In the US, politics is "secular" in name and religious issues such as abortion, g*y rights, religious support for Israel etc, are handled through wink and a nod. Even Obama had to come out again and again and confess his belief in Christianity. So, why practice this intellectual dishonesty and why not admit that the US is predominantly a Judeo-Christian nation with equal rights for minorities.

    In the Islamic system, it is freely admitted that Islam is the basis for all moral laws for the MAJORITY ONLY. But minorities are recognized and live according to their OWN set of moral codes. That's better because the majority is NOT imposing its religious or moral values on minorities, which is what you have in a Western secular system. Look at Turkey, for example, where the secularists are imposing their Western outlook on the rest of the population and denying it freedom.

  4. More importantly - when will the United States accept a secular order in their country?

    What we see happening to the US whilst observing from Australia and from Europe is highly alarming.

  5. When pigs fly..

  6. My personal opinion is that such a situation will never see the light of the day.  Rather, it is otherwise.  Muslims are demanding Sharia laws to be implemented even in European and American nations.

    When they believe that their Sharia laws are perfect, how can they separate their religion and the state?

  7. It will happen here in the 21st Century. It will spread from Turkey and from Morocco. The seed is there now, and as Muslims see secular governance take hold in some countries, and the benefit it is even to islam itself, they will learn to seperate government and faith.

  8. Around the year 72 AEA. (After Earth Apocalypse), which incidentally is about 106 years from now

  9. In the Middle Ages, the Church did not separate from the state; the Church ruled the state. Kings didn't rule unless the Catholic church wanted them to rule.

    Arabs are violent because:

    1. That's what they're taught from birth to be like.

    2. That's what Islam teaches.

  10. It'd help if the West would quit interfering there.  Iran was a democracy until the US/UK helped with a coup in the late 50s.

    Iraq was a secular nation until the US invaded. Now Islam is the top law of the land.  We handed it over to the fundies in that country.

  11. They will have no chose. During the times of tribulation, they will embrace the world order.

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