
When will Barack Hussein Obama ever tell us what distasteful sermons he heard as he attend Wright's church? ?

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Will he ever tell us which "inappropriate" teachings he was unfortunate enough to have heard while attending TUCC....and did he protest or walk out, or privately demand that Wright apologizes and repents & refrains from such radical and racist Anti-American rhetoric,... or he would have to leave or bring him up before the deacons board for correction council or reproof?

We have to know ...or forever suspect that Obama shares those bigoted, Anti-American, black supremacist views !




  1. His wife told him to leave  

  2. You've got to be joking. He probably said white people haven't changed much over the years, blacks need to stick together and get an education. We need to do something to keep our young black men out of jail because white police target them. That scary rhetoric all you want to throw out there. Look at crazy *** Pat Robertson, telling us to go kill Chavez, and all the others who have been caught with young pages, prostitutes and g*y male escorts. Non of us are perfect, not even you and the prime example is you using his middle name to "frighten" people, guess what not gonna work.

  3. Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright are two peas in a pod. Obama was in that cult -- please don't call it a church -- for twenty years. He donated tens of thousands of dollars. Wright was on his advisory committee for president. If not for Sean Hannity, Wright would be advising Obama TO THIS DAY.

    That cult was filth. They hated Jews, whites, Italians, and America.

    Anyone who votes for Obama shares those views. These people need to be stopped. They are the worst gang ever to attempt to gain entry to the White House.  

  4. he won't because he is a coward u wouldn't know the truth it it was videotaped and played for him

  5. Obama was too busy playing hide the sausage with the g*y choir director to pay attention to J Wright.

  6. UHHH oh yea, he was asleep in church or he was outside smoking and missed them or he's lying when he says he wasn't there when Wright made his rants.

  7. No, in his way of thinking, it is above his pay grade to do such!

    McCain\Palin 08!


  8. He has claimed, at different times, that he was never there, he wasn't present when Wright happened to be giving the honkie dissing sermons, or that he just wasn't paying attention.  Take your pick.  

  9. Last time I checked the church was still opened...

    so go there and find out for yourself. I dare you.

  10. Who gives a flying f-*-c-k?  Non-issue.

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