
When will Bush attack Russia?

by Guest56947  |  earlier

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‘Where Is Bush?’

Georgian military officials and civilians ask why the West hasn't intervened as Russia moves in. The (USA) entered Kuwait in 1991 to push out Iraq so when will the United States Marines and Army enter the country of Georgia to push out the Russians?




  1. Thats a little more difficult. We'll just have to wait and see how far Russia goes and how many nations it plans to invade.

  2. The Russian army is nothing like iraq's they will not be giving up like most of the iraqi Army did.  Best case is to let russia blow off some steam and let cooler heads work it out, no more War and no new War we can't afford it.  

  3. Why would we want to? Iraq is kinda started to calm down. i think we need to be content with things the way they are.  

  4. Ummmm....we are!

    Georgia is a friend to the US and THEY attacked South Ossetia!

    The Russians didnt like our missile defense system being built close to Russia and they said that they would attack us if necessary.  Since Georgia attacked a Russian ally, it gave them all the reasons they needed to attack Georgia.

    Now, we have already had American casualties in that conflict....and it was on the side of Georgia.

    Here is a it and do a little google research.

  5. bush is an impotent lame duck prezident.

    If we could not succeed in Iraq, against a bunch of rag heads, how well do you think he would do going up against a super power like Russia?

    The AWOL 1st Lt. from the TANG will just flap his lips and hide under his desk. 162 more days and he will be history.

  6. I don't think we have the troops to attack the Russians

  7. As a United States Citizen opposed to the Iraq war I am in full support of a United States backed Military defense of Georgia and the Entire former east soviet bloc. I think it is high time Bush put up or shut up, with or without the aid of the EU or NATO.  

  8. cause it'll be beginning of World War III

  9. who knows who cares

  10. Because if we do, Russia would send lots more of its troops into the region and might lead into a War between Russia and the USA. Russia and Iraq are too completely different countries, Russia is huge and powerful while Iraq was small, isolated, and very weak when compared to Russia  

  11. You know that Russia is way bigger then iraq and more powerful then Iraq. Right?

    Trying to push a mad un-negotiable 1000 pound gorilla out of a room is alot harder then pushing a 40 pound Dog out of a room.

  12. as soon as the prime minister of Israel order him to do it

  13. First, Georgia appears to have started the war.  Second, the United States is too involved in Iraq and Afghanistan to become involved militarily.  Third, if the US were to try and fight Russia a lot of Americans would die.

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