
When will California have another earthquake?

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I hope it's not every day, month. Maybe every year.




  1. Southern California averages something like 10,000 earthquakes a year but thankfully most of them are too small to be noticed.  There will be another big one but there aren't accurate methods to predict exactly when it will happen.

  2. I Don't Know, I Felt that earthquake too. Also my First time.

  3. there will be earthquakes scince california sits on the freakin fault. duh. why would u want one to come everyday? freak

  4. that is first biggins in 10 yrs i think.... we from there origonally so anyway u cant predict but japan has a thingy where it gives u like 30 secs to prepare

  5. I dont think it'll be soon.

    earthquakes happen when pressure builds up, and this earthquake let off some pressure.

    Now sit safe and enjoy life for another few years!

  6. You'll get aftershocks for days. 1.0-4.0. they say the BIG ONE is due within 30 years. Of course that could be 300.........

  7. there are researches done on that earthquake

    and they say in the next thirty years, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 or higher is almost 100 percent

    i also lived through it =]

    especially in california, you should always be prepared for an earthquake because california is a state that have many earthquakes

    right before the 5.4 earthquake, researchers said there havent been an earthquake for 3 or 4 days which is very rare and in this case, it racked up to become one big one. there are usually small ones that cannot be felt almost everyday so if there is a time where the small ones seem to stop, that would be the warning to get prepared. also animals have an extraordinary sense for disasters and if they seem to act up, somethings coming for sure.

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