
When will Dale Jr win again.?

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his winning streak ended at 1




  1. The Amp energy 500 in October @ Talladega.

  2. I hope never again.

  3. Soon!  Very soon!

  4. Soon we still got  Richmond , Dega , Texas , Atalanta  Phoenix  Bristol   so anyting can happen

  5. I would bet on 'Dega, maybe Richmond, but not the Brickyard.  I think Burton will take that one.  If the tr0!!s start to become a problem AGAIN, we'll have to go hunting AGAIN.

    Go Jr.

  6. Let me look at the crystal ball..Hmmm crystal ball says Jr. will win another race when he wins another race.

  7. He MIGHT win the next time someone crashes into Kyle Busch....he MIGHT win if Hendricks says he can beat Jimmy or Jeff...he MIGHT get lucky and win...and a troll is a little [ugly] creature that lives under bridges.

  8. never again of his life and i will say Kyle Busch wiil Beat him.

  9. Indy.

  10. When he figures a way around the rules again

  11. he might win at Texas, Talladega, or Richmond

  12. soon

  13. I'd like to see him win the Brickyard, but probably Richmond, then theres 'dega, texas in the chase as well...He'll win again I'm not worried..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  14. Oh he'll win again just you don't worry about it!! Go troll somewhere else! Jr will win again and soon!!

  15. Trolls come out of stinky gym shoes

    And invade peoples sense of well being

  16. Soon.

  17. The next time he is the first driver across the finish line on the last lap.

    Come on, you couldn't figure that out?

  18. Hmmmmm....probably one more this season.  Anymore than that is pushing it.  Too many better cars and drivers out there that won't move out of his way when when the poster boy for NASCAR saunters down the track.

  19. He will win when he crosses the finish line first after the white flag waves.

  20. After Nascar figures out how the 18 crew is cheating.

  21. Consistency wins Championships. Jr. has consistency.

  22. he will have another real long winless streak and then win one

    in probably 3 or 4 years.

  23. Maybe at Richmond the last race b4 the cutoff point.

  24. i guess ur a trolll apprearently according to the other answerers. i hope he wins again




  25. Why is it always about Jr?  You know there are other drivers out there that have yet to win this season.  And those drivers are just as good, or bad, or even better, of a driver then Jr.

    I know, hold on.  There are better drivers then Jr?  YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!@!@!

  26. in the chase, when it matters, at about the same time cryle busch is choking. then you bandwagon fans will have to find a new flavor of the month

  27. he runs better at short tracks, richmond, loudon, martinsville, so somewhere at one of those tracks if only he and his cousin actually can get the set up right, they always seem to mess it up at the end of a race where he is spot on

  28. He's won 1 per year or less since his 6 win season in 2004. With that said, I have to go with 2009 or 2010, just based on recent history. The kool-aid is going stale

  29. I doubt he will win again ever.  I think he might be able to squeek out some top 15s here and there though.  Seriously, who knows.  He'll probably get one more, maybe 2 more this year.

  30. If I knew that I would go to Vegas, place a bet and retire...........

    Hey NASCAR24, when is your guy going to win another race?????????????

  31. Richmond. It will be his last win of the year.

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