
When will Democrats admit they were wrong to oppose Welfare reform, charter schools, Iraq war, and business?

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When will Democrats admit they were wrong to oppose Welfare reform, charter schools, Iraq war, and business?




  1. They won't. If you look at every state that is run by a majority of Democrat elected members you will see how big a deficit they are all running. Their solution? Cuts on health care, medicare, education and shutting down local parks and other funds ... plus of course ... plans to raise taxes. Democrats are out of control spenders and when they get stuck they hit us the tax payers with penalties and cuts. They are stubborn and irresponsible.

  2. When h**l freezes over.

  3. They will only admit it if it somehow benefits them.

  4. When they get tired of arguing with parrots.

    OK, I was Wrong to oppose welfare reform, charter schools, Iraq war, and business.

    Let the poor starve! (survival of the fittest right?)

    Charter schools are great. (lets teach only our fundamentalist religion, if it ain't in God's book who needs it, and yes everybody else should pay for it)

    Iraq war, of course, lets bomb everybody. (If they won't sell us oil at a price we like lets just kill them and take it)

    Business. Yes indeed, whatever is good for big business is good for you.


    Drill your own oil, um yeah.

    Locate one place that has not already been drilled.

    The unavailable for drilling spots like the Gulf and California Coasts have already been explored.

    There is not enough oil there to balance the cost of extracting it. The same with the relatvely small coastal plain area of the ANWR.

    The oil companies have said they want freedom from royalty payments, and for the govt to pay for drilling, if you want them to drill for oil there.

  5. When Miami freezes over.

  6. are u an idiot? why would you support the iraq war

  7. When will the world be perfect?? Okay then ...

  8. sadly, never... how about drilling our own oil too. pls visit and place your vote to drill here drill now.

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