
When will Dems Finally Break the Glass Ceiling and Put a Woman into the White House? When will "Oppression" ?

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It has been 24 years since a woman has been on the Dem ticket. Hasn't the party set back the cause of women by decades by overlooking them time after time after time even though we're in the 21st century?




  1. Republicans should work on a woman's right to choose before worrying about the Democrats having a woman as a Vice Presidential Candidate. This old Republican spin sure is tiresome

  2. Which female candidates were running in the Republican primary this year?

  3. People with brains don't vote for gender, they vote for the best person for the job.   Republicans are insulting people's intelligence if they think that they will gain votes by having Palin on the ticket simply because she is a woman.  There is a lot more to her than that.

  4. You're criticizing the Democrats because they ran a female VP candidate 24 years ago?  Before yesterday, when was the last time Republicans did that and what took them so long?

  5. I don't vote on skin color, or s*x organ. but try a few issues, real issues not trot out abortion every election year, and g*y issues etc. but real issues like foreign policy, energy policy and corruption. it's not American idol.

  6. Let me guess - you were a Hillary supporter - no?

  7. You see, it is not about oppression or color or gender... it is about who is best for this country!!!

    Now you want equal opportunity when it suits the Republican agenda.

    Hypocrites. You cared nothing about women breaking the glass ceiling until it landed on the Republican party!

  8. Should a woman be put there by affirmative action?  Tokenism?  That's what McCain is doing.  OR should a woman EARN it?  Hillary tried.  Who else since 1984 had the prominence and popularity?  Let any woman earn it.

  9. They're afraid...very, very, afraid...that a woman could do a better job! Too many egos (did I spell that right?).  

  10. It's simple, men fear empowered capable women. Obama was foolish for not getting Hillary to be his running mate. Look how many votes would've been attained!!  

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