
When will Differin start to work I believe it is causing im breaking out alot more?

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I have been on it for exactly one month. My forhead seems alot smoother but cheeks are all broken out everything seems to be coming to surface..just want to know when I will see a improvement. Thank you




  1. I use it and my dermatologist told me it would take about 6 weeks for improvements. He told me it would get worse before it got better, but trust me, it will! Differin works really good!

  2. Your skin should clear up within the next couple of weeks on the Differin. However, if these breakouts are bothersome for you or you do not see improvement, you should see your dermatologist and she can give you a wash or something topical to help curtail the breakouts while the Differin kicks in.

    Hope this helps!

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    miss blondissima

  3. dude im seeing doubles righ now just guive me s the point;s. dont blame the alchol never ever do that.

  4. Differin takes a while to work, but I never had a problem with it making me break out more. You should talk to your dermatologist about it.

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