
When will Electric Cars Come out in the USA?

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When will Electric Cars Come out in the USA?




  1. They are here as stated above... the Telsa Roadster is my favorite. But you won't see a lot of real action until gasoline hits $4 to $5 per gallon... maybe more. Manufactures are going to need to get their sales prices into the $20K range with a cruising range of about 300 miles. Until then, we'll see the hybrids pushed as oil companies position to sell something else. The Hybrids are pretty good around town, but not worth it for commuters that travel interstates at 55 mph.

    I am looking forward to commuting at 65 mph while I play a CD to that sounds like my '05 Mustang GT!

  2. Dana1981 has given you the best answers. Seriously, I think hybrid and EV vehicles will be the new standard for the next century. Start seeing more and more during this coming decade.

  3. They are available now, just not very competative.  But, if you want an overpriced, underperforming, uncomfortable car, you can certainly buy one.

  4. There here already! BUT I dont think that the government of the automobile makers are in any great hurry to get them to the public because if you think about it, the combustion engine is a cash cow for them. The oil companies will loose out if the electric car takes off, the government loses millions on taxing gas and oil. Plus the auto industry has billions of autos on the market that would go to the boneyard. Im certainly not a extremeist but if you consider it I feel that it will be some time before it is pushed.

  5. There already are some available.  For example, the (expensive) Telsa Roadster and various short-range low-speed EVs, the best of which is the ZAP Xebra.

    Several affordable long-range high-speed EVs will begin to become available starting in about a year.

    Available in California in October 2008, the Aptera typ-1e will cost about $27,000 with a top speed of 95 mph and range of 120 miles per charge.

    Soon thereafter Aptera will introduce the typ-1h, a plug-in hybrid version of the typ-1e with a 40-60 mile range on purely electrical energy, and a range of over 600 miles total when in electric/gas hybrid mode, for around $30,000.  On a 120 mile trip, the typ-1h will get 300 miles per gallon.  The shorter the trip, the higher the efficiency.

    Available in late 2008 or early 2009, the ZAP Alias will cost $30,000, have a top speed of 100 mph, and a range of 100 miles per charge.

    Soon thereafter the ZAP-X will be available at a cost of $60,000 with a top speed of 155 mph and a range of 350 miles per charge.

    Available in late 2008 or early 2009, the Miles Javlon will cost $30,000 with a top speed of 80 mph and a range of 120 miles per charge.

    Phoenix Motorcars will start selling their SUT to individuals in late 2008 or early 2009.  It will cost $45,000 and have a top speed of 100 mph with a range of 100+ miles per charge.

  6. to answer the question as it has been asked, 1916.

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