
When will Ethiopia get rid of the dictator Meles?

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Ethiopians have been suffering by this dictator for the last 17 years .All peace loving people of the world are invited to help.




  1. Very funny. And who do you propose take over from him? EVERYONE has plans of getting rid of him, but NO ONE has plans as to whom will take over. And even if there are some who THINK they can take over, we've seen how innefficient they are when it comes to arguing points let alone take over a whole nation.

    We need him for at least another five to ten years. The other political parties need to get their agendas straight and mature. Otherwise it will be just chaos handing them the reins.

    By the way, just out of curiosity, what's wrong with a leader that has brought economic progress to a nation? What's wrong with a leader that has finally made us realise that it's better to work together than bicker and fight against one another? What's wrong with a leader that has put Ethiopia back on the map? What's wrong with a leader that is passionate about his work? Who has wit and charisma? The guy has brains. Why can't we just admit it? Why do we have to be narrow minded?

    So, my advice to you my friend is: "Be careful what you wish for, because it may come true."

    One Love !!!


  2. i don't think he is dictator he just likes to kick the somails

    and terrorists azz.

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