
When will I ever grow taller?

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I'm 14

My current height is 5 foot 7 and a fourth.




  1. I'm assuming from your name that you're male, so it's very possible that you will continue to grow. Not all boys (or girls) continue or stop growing at the same time. Some boys continue to grow until they're 17 or even older. Most girls stop growing much sooner though. I'm male and I was close to 6 ft in middle school and by the end of high school I was 6 ft 1.

  2. You will get taller as you get older. But some people are just born to be short. My best friend is in 11th grade and is about 5 foot 1 or 5 foot 2.  

  3. well i see your a guy and you are still going to grow. your only 14 and that's another thing. Wait a year or 2 or even 3  

  4. Why is everyone so obsessed with height? You're not that short now.

    I'm sorry, but height is determined by genetics... there's nothing you can do to alter it.

    Human growth hormones are available, but the potential risks and side effects far outweigh the potential benefits.

    Besides... you're still growing. Wait and see.

  5. no one really knows the answer to that because everyone grows at different rates.

    maybe next yr or the yr after you will grow much taller...

  6. I was a shrimp in high school, along with some friends, some of whom ended up over 6' in height in the next several years.

    So it all depends on your body's health, hormones, etc ...  5'7 may be it, but maybe not either.

    More veggies and fruits may help, buy you never know. If you smoke, stop it - potentially permanent damage to the body and brain. (Ditto drinking!)

    Good Luck!

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