
When will I get a letter from my husband in basic training?

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My husband is going on his third week of basic training and I haven't gotten one letter from him yet. I have written to him a lot already and I am getting discouraged. I thought he was supposed to get chances to write. I think he has them, but just does not want to write. Has anyone else ever experienced this before?




  1. Don't get discouraged.  Other than the time for sleeping, he probably only gets an hour or so a day, and he probably uses that to get ready for the next day or studying.  His days are very, very full and I know he probably misses you and wishes he had more time to write.  Keep writing and encouraging him and realize how important your letters are to him.  

  2. Letter writing is not exactly a normal means of communication anymore. That said I suggest a little "wake up" for the boy.

    Tell him you have purchased "The Boy's is Co. C" and "Full Metal Jacket" so you can get the feel of what he is going thru SINCE he has not shared any of it with you. Add that you think you have watched them too much as you are now acting a LOT like R Lee Ermey are having trouble controlling it and hope it pass's by the time he gets home.

    Tell him I gave you the idea to buy the movies. I can take the heat.

    Sometimes you have to do the slap upside the head with pizzazz.

    SSG US Army 73-82

    PS: I forgot the most important thing. Does he have paper, pen, envelopes and stamps?

  3. yes it took my lil bro 5weeks to write, most of there free time they want to relax, but you are always in his heart and thoughts.

  4. I was in my sixth week of basic before I got a chance to write home.  Basically, they stopped training for 30 minutes and ordered everyone to write at least one person back home.

    Basic training is h**l.  He may have had his 30 minutes, but he may have also needed that 30 minutes of sleep.  Keep writing him, that always lifts his spirits.

    I would suggest that you include a self addressed postcard the he can just drop in the outgoing mail bag.  This eliminates a lot of things for him to do and let him know that you do not want a book.

    Many guys don't write as often because so much is going on and it takes too much time to put it down that they cannot fully share everything.  Most try.  There are 1,000's of unwritten letters every day in the military.

    Just let him know that just something from him will be great.

  5. More then likely he has one day to laundry.....pretty much one day to do  a weeks worth of things..dont get discouraged...if you dont get a letter doesnt mean he isnt thinking about you..focus on you know he's safe and you know where he's at ...yes you miss him but this is going to be good training on what life will be like...i am an armywife .trust me i do understand.....he is very busy right now in a very new situation...doesnt mean you want to hear from him anyless....just be will come soon enough

  6. When i was in we could write after bed or on sundays. just depends on the training commanders. Its a tough spot, but you should go in expecting not to hear from him from quite some time..  

  7. There are some cases of Training Instructors being big ***** and not letting anyone write a letter ever. They really don't have to let trainees write letters if they don't want to. I'm sure if your husband gets the chance that you'll be the first one he will write. If that doesn't happen then you'll probably end up getting one phone call from him in the future. They are entitled to a phone call, but like I said some Training Instructors don't allow trainees to write letters at all.

  8. If he is in USMC boot camp... it could be awhile.  I think I got maybe five or six letters total in the whole thirteen weeks from my hubby while he was there.  Just so you know... it's h**l.  I had a pile of about 17 letters (I wrote him one a day for a total of something like 93 letters) before I got one from him with his address so that I could send them (and it wasn't even a REAL letter... just his info on a pre-typed piece of paper, not even signed).  They have to write at night, and most of the time, they just absolutely CRASH.

    Don't worry... okay, I know that's impossible.  Try not to worry so much.  Know that he's thinking of you and it will be over before you know it.  But do write him and save the letters to send until you have his address.  Hang in there!  

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