
When will I get chest hair?

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I am 14 and the hair on my chest is starting to get darker and grow out a little bit...

How much longer until it will be noticeable by other people and will be constant and long and thick???

Thank you!!!




  1. don't be so anxious.

    i have it and i really don't want it.

    i have to shave it off every other week.

  2. Why would you want it. you should hope that it never comes in.

  3. This chest hair thing is going to depend a lot on genetics. When did your dad grow his? Your mom(just kidding!)? If it runs in your family, you stand a pretty good chance of developing a fine chest of hair. Now remember, the watched pot never boils! Your hair growth will be sporadic in nature. Remember some people take 25 years to achieve their adult proportions.So be patient, 14 is a good start, you'll most likely be done in your early twenties.A male friend has just advised me that to you "tease" your skin with a razor, like your shaving. My friend, who has no chest hair,it's genetic, says the shaving will stimulate the hair growth.

  4. About two years after you get you facial or pubic hair........ why so excited? some people have a lot of hair, some guys hardly none

  5. im 16 and i dont have any chest hair,its all on my belly!

  6. I'm 21, and I think I have a pretty hairy chest compared to some of my friends...I don't think my chest hair became noticeable until I was 17. So I guess maybe around then. I would suspect you would be hairier than I am if you're 14 and can already see your chest hair.

  7. Your an idiot! your only 14 stupid p**p.

  8. i dont see why your so excited about chest hair

  9. only when you become a man, not a minute sooner!

    someday my friend, you're going to hate shaving...

  10. No offence but WHY would you want chest hair??? No, it doesn't make you any more masculine or a man - only makes you look more primitive. Can't you see how the rich and famous, male models, bodybuilders, etc. ALL tend to wax/get rid of their chest hair?

    Geez... it's like asking when will you get shoulder hair to reaffirm your manliness. Sickening.

    Though if you really get a kick out of having it, then it should come around 18-25 is when I read most guys will get a lot of it.

  11. probably after your body starts its change.  

  12. Why would you want chest hair?? I'm almost 19 and I have three hairs (haha) and i'm ecstatic. The last thing I want to look like is Robert from Everybody Loves Raymond.

    Everybody's body is different.

  13. some people have a lot of hair, some guys hardly none, so its hard to say

  14. ok i'm 14, and i have alot of hair, EVERYWHERE! It's not paradise!!!! just to warn. You have to shave your facial hair everyday. Trim your underarm and pubic hair. The only thing i like is the chest hair, not too much though.

    You have to be patient. If you haven't got it by 14 then it's going to be quite a while. You should have had it by at least 13!  

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