
When will I get my period?post m/c?

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I had a miscarriage in July, I started bleeding on fri 25th july (only light spotting) then became really heavy with clots on the Sunday 27th July. Does this mean that my period will come between the 19th and 21st August?




  1. I am in the same boat as you i miscarried on the 24th july, went back a week later for a scan and blood work to make sure all was well, and they said four to six weeks.

    So i think it depends on how far along you were and weather it was a natural or a d&c.

    Sorry this hasn't helped you much,

    Big cuddles and lots of wishes for a sticky pregnancy next time x

  2. I miscarried back in February at about 5 weeks, I got pregnant the following month so I assume that if I had not gotten pregnant I would have had my period as usual. My Doctor said there was no need to wait to get pregnant again, just that my body would handle it naturally when I was ready. I am now 26 weeks and doing great. Hope this answer helps and sorry about your miscarriage...I know it is a very stressful time.  

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