
When will I get used to the tennis racquet?

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I've been playing tennis a lot lately for almost a week and its been quite a while since I played, last time I played was in 5th grade now a freshman in college, and I was just wondering for those who play it when does it not feel like you're wielding a big frying pan, especially on smashes?




  1. Since you haven't played tennis for quite a long time, it's going to take a while before your body and your arm gets used to the weight and structure of the racket.  

    The best thing to do is to play tennis everyday at least an hour.  Just play as much as you can as many times as you can and eventually you will become extremely comfortable with your racket.  It also depends on the weight of your racket.  Get a lighter one if you don't like how much it weights, but the more it weights the better you're off.  Sampras had his racket at like 14-16 ounces which is like 450+ grams.  

  2. I think it only depends on how long or how much you play/practice; you can get used to it quickly, but that amount of time is priceless, because that quick time could be up to a year. Like for me, I switch racquets every year, and begin to grow with a different one, but I think I should stop switching. Keeep playin :]

  3. It depends mostly on the person. It took me not too long to get used to it (probably a month or so)

    But keep in mind, some racquets aren't meant for you (I had to deal with one that was just well, too heavy for my grip).

    Try out a couple of more times and if it still doesn't just feel right, switch to a different one or see if your form of holding the racquet is right because that sometimes influences that as well.

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