
When will I not look pregnant anymore?

by  |  earlier

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I had our son 2 days ago on September 2nd at 12:07pm, 8lbs 7ounces, 20 1/2 inches long :) BUT I still look like I am around 5-6 months pregnant and its really depressing me, like if you were to see me without our son you would probably ask me when my baby was due. Pre-pregnancy I was about 105, I was just under 150 at the end of the pregnancy, I havent weighed myself yet I'm scared to look lol. Also my feet have nearly doubled in size, they dont hurt but I have no ankles and when I lift my feet up it creases up where ny ankle should be. They have been this swollen since last night and I've tried ice and lifting them in the air and neither is working.




  1. I lost all the baby weight and the swelling was down two to three weeks pp.  I gained ten pounds back though at six weeks - be careful of that.

  2. when I left the hospital I looked like I did at about 5 months...which to others looked 4 months...and within 2 weeks my stomach was "almost flat" and my waist "almost tiny" again. But like the other answerer said your weight can fluctuate and that is what happens with me now.  I am def more curvy since b4 I got pregnant but 7 weeks later and you wouldnt look at me and even guess I just had a baby. in fact when I was 4 weeks post partem and went to my check up they said it looked like I never even had a baby. so it will probably fall off of you esp if you breastfeed, that really helps.

    but yeah dont expect to look exactly like you did b4 just a couple days after but I guarantee within a week you wont look pregnant anymore.

  3. Everyone is different, but I just had a baby 2 months ago and I remember exactly what you are talking about, the pregnant look lasted me about 2 weeks and even after that I still had the jelly belly but I no longer looked pregnant. If you are breastfeeding it causes your uterus to contract and go back to it's normal size quicker.

    I am now at my post pregnancy wieght and you can't even tell I had a baby. I would not even wiegh myself until the 6 week check up for fear of what I might see on the scale.

    Just remember this is only temporary, I promise.

  4. I was lucky enough to fit into my clothes 3 weeks after my daughter.  If your feet are that swollen then it sounds like you are holding water.  Give yourself time, i'm sure you are doing great.  If the swelling doesn't go away then let your doctor know.  

  5. your uterous is still swollen and  going down, you will be down to normal (with extra weight of coarse) by 6 weeks, sooner if you breastfeed. your swollen feet are normal as well, mine went away in 5 days  just keep them elevated at the knee and moving:)

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