
When will I see news stories about George Bush driving down the prices of gas and oil over the last few weeks?

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We certainly saw plenty of stories blaming him when prices were rising...




  1. he doesnt get any credit for the good he does while getting bashed for the bad he causes....the media sucks

  2. That will depend on the War on Iran rhetoric. If there is an increase in beating the drums for war on Iran speculators will drive oil prices higher. If the war rhetoric diminishes the speculatively high bubble will probably pop and oil prices will go down.

  3. Media is to busy pumping up Nobama to notice

  4. Right now actually. Crude oil is dropping and the economy is making a comeback.

    If you want to aim the blame for this mess in the first place, the real enemy here is Nancy Pelosi and her do-nothing-congress, they're the ones that have a direct impact on our everday lives.

  5. Gas is still the same price where I am now as it was 2-3 weeks ago.

  6. No, the mainstream media always reports the high gas prices as though some invisible force is causing it--they never place blame anywhere.  You have to search for articles and hear people complaining here to get the truth.  And I already hear a lot of people saying that gas prices are lower because of Bush's announcement of lifting the ban on drilling.

  7. Everybody thinks the President has the ultimate power in everything. People need to understand that a lot of other factors affect things, like the economy, other countries, other leaders, other politics, etc. People like to blame the President when things go wrong (even if it isn't his fault) but when things start to go right, we actually start to credit the real forces behind the phenomenon.

  8. It will never happen.  The far left will continue to control the  media, and make the republicans seem to be the blame.  Look at all the answers already posted and you can see how the people cannot see the obvious.  Though i do not like bush- hes not conservative enough for me- it really is not his fault with the gas prices.  The people to blame are the far left.  These people are so crazy about the environment that they are willing to see our economy demise as long as some of the wildlife are not hurt.  There is said to be 3x as much oil in just a tiny part of Alaska, then saudi Arabia! But no, it might hurt some animals

  9. LOL - don't think we'll see that.  Democrats love to complain but not to give praise.

  10. Hes a drunk enjoying his last months.

  11. I doubt you ever will, considering the Bush family are in the oil industry!

  12. To tell you the truth probably never! That's how he it is..

  13. how the h**l am i supposed to know?

  14. You never will. Bush is too busy looking out for his "oil buddies" profits!!!

    Congress has been pressing for investigations into the oil companies record profits - even though the market is seemingly not conducive. Bush has sworn to veto any legislation or stop any action by Congress - that could possibly affect his "buddies" wallets!!

    Think about THAT the next time you fill up ... HmmKay?!!

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