
When will I start growing????????

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I am 13 years old, and I am only 4'11 tall. I really want to grow because that could affect me going into high school a year from now.




  1. aw, you'll grow.

    eat your vegetables.

  2. Your growth spurt should be just around the corner.

    Plenty of protein (meat), calcium (milk) and zinc (red meat, oysters, mussels and nuts) will help your destined normal growth and a deficiency can stunt it.

  3. Probably later in the year.

    This happened to my brother and he had a sudden growth spurt.

  4. How tall are your parents?  Siblings?  Are you healthy?

    Lots of boys have a big growth spurt just around your age. One of my sons grew 9 inches in the 7th grade.

    But you won't grow more than your genetics allow.   Just eat well, get good exercise and be patient. You'll grow for at least 6 more years!!

  5. boys grow later you know.. being short doesnt affect you in high school idk what your talking about but you could have a growth spurt between then and now. dont worry about it.

  6. You can't speed up and worrying will only hurt you. Instead of worrying about growing, worry about being confident in who you are, how you look, and how tall you may be. Guys can keep growing till around 21 years of age, no rush.  

  7. lol no worries this is the point in your life where your growth hormones kick in. Usually they start around 12-14 some might start as early as 10 and some as late as 15. I have a friend who's 11 and he's only 4'8-4'9.Ask your family and talk with tem it can be family genes of your gonna become a midget.(Rarely) I'm 12 and I'm 5'4-5'5


    im 13 and im  either 5'00 or 4'11 i have kno clue when ill start to grow either?!? i really want to kno this answer

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