
When will I start jumps?

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I use to ride four years ago. I stopped just as I was about to start galloping because I moved towns. I started again two weeks ago (my second lesson was Sunday) and on my first lesson I went out with a leader and in on my own (trotting and going across poles on the floor) and then the most recent week I was out on my own and in on my own and we had to do half circles (inside) and then full circles and she said I was very good because I had good control over the horse unlike most people and she also said I can start cantering next week with the proper shoes (I've got them now). So I'm going to start cantering, when do you think I will start jumps and when did you start? Should I ask them if they think I'd be ok with it?




  1. You'll start jumps when you've become comfortable with cantering. I only started jumps after riding for 5 years, but thats because the first two riding schools i went to didn't have a jumping liscence. When your instructor starts getting you to practice the jumping position and going over poles doing that posisition. then you'll be starting jumping very soon.

  2. You're already starting to learn... you're already trotting cross poles... that's the first step in jumping!

    It depends on the teacher's style... some people let the rider canter almost immediately and jump almost immediately.  Other people wait until the rider is really super good at trotting before allowing them to jump.  So it depends.  Personally, I'd let you start trotting cross rails in a couple weeks, especially if you're doing really well with trot poles.

  3. I'm pretty sure I cantered for at least a month if not two before I started jumping. Actually on my first jump, it was a log out in the field. My trainer said to jump it with two other people at the same time. Afterwards I told her it was my first jump. She had no idea! It take a while to make sure your position and balance are good. But just work hard and it will be sooner than you think!

  4. Well, I rode for two years and then stopped. After two years I got back on again and on the fourth lesson I started jumping over small jumps, but I already knew how to canter and have jumped over poles. You'll probably canter for a while, or at least until you feel comfortable doing it and know the leads and stuff. Then, you'll probably start cantering and jumping over poles. Once you've done that then you'll probably jump.

    I think it's okay for you to ask when you'll start jumping. They'll probably say the same things I did because it's just the steps you have to go through, but you can ask them for a specific date. It's basically how fast you learn and how much you already know.

    I really hope this helps. Let me know if you need tips on jumping!

  5. you will start to jumps when your teacher thinks you r ready and when you are used to and are comfrotable with walking a trotting on your horse

  6. I train jumpers

    and no I don't let any one start until they can sit a trot and canter

    all have to be done with out stirrups,

    useing poles on the ground is good so is cross rails at this time for you

    But I dont want the horse to start stopping because the rider can not ride good enough . to stay with him

    They will pull on his mouth etc

    so just wait until you get a solid seat

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