
When will I start producing sperm?

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I am 13 years old and 9 months.

I wnated to ask when usually boys start producing their sperm since I am not producing any whatsoever.

I take asthama preventers and puffers they do carry a dosage of steroids but a VERY smalla amount

if anyone cna please share when they started producing or if this si not normal, thank-you




  1. give it time, itll come  

  2. Like everything else with puberty, when we are able to ejaculate is different for each of us.  Some guys can do it when they're 10-11, some can't until they're 14-15.  Give this some time and try not to worry.  There's nothing that you've said that sounds like you have any problems.  You're completely normal.

  3. Ok well I am definatley. not a boy♥, but I think that u havent hit puberty no worries. You have plenty of time to grow up  so enjoy childhood. Oh and if ur REALLY worried then go to the doc. =)  

  4. Well pubity hits most boys from 12 to 15.

    You just have to be patiant :)

  5. when u hit puberty if u havent yet mabey at 14 or 15 for sure

  6. yes it is just when you hit puerty maybe you are a late developer i wouldnt worry mate

    i hit it at late age 11 early 12

    i would only worry about it when you are reaching 15 and you haent hit puberty

    dont worry at the moment  

  7. Once you hit puberty. It will happen soon enough bud. Good luck.

  8. in some person the puberty is reached late, where as in some this is early. You just don't worry, you are only 13 and will get to puberty by the time you are 14-15.

    And production of sperm has nothing to do with asthma or any other illness.

  9. you will start producing as your body goes through puberty and i am pretty sure you have already started, but each guy varies with the time they start producing or are able to have a full release.  I did not produce at the age of 11, but did when i was 13.  But guys can start any where from the age of 10 -15.  Now days it is pretty common for them to start much younger.


  10. I started masturbating around 12 years and 11 months and started producing s***n around 13 and 2 months.

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