
When will I start seeing a dramatic drop in my weight?

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Just recently [August 12th] I became a vegan. I was a vegetarian before, and I AM getting all my nutrients.

I walk the dog an hour a day, and I usually don't eat more than 800 calories on any given day.

Will I soon see the weight fall off?




  1. I would have to say you should diffenitly be losing weight, however Im concerned that your not eating enough calories a day.Unless directed by a doctor you should a least consume 1200 cal. a day. This isnt healthy.

  2. We don't know because you haven't given us enough information, such as how much you weigh now, and how fast you walk when you walk the dog.  I do know that 800 calories a day is starvation level for any adult, and your body will go into conservation mode and will try to hold on to every calorie you eat.  Your own body will be working against any weight loss, and while it is doing that, you will be causing harm to you body overall, and that has nothing to do with being vegan or vegetarian.  Vegan and vegetarian diets can be very healthy, but yours is not quite enough in terms of calories.  You may also find that you lose the energy to walk the dog.  

    These links will help you figure things out.

  3. I was a vegan while I was in college, so for 4 years I ate that way and unfortunately, I gained a LOT of weight during that time.  I think it's because I was hungry all the time because I wasn't getting enough fat and protein. When I started eating dairy again I lost some weight and when I started eating fish and chicken again, weight just fell off of me. It was weird. I think my body wasn't good at getting nutrients from vegetbale sources.

    If you eat only 800 calories per day I'm afraid that it will put you in starvation mode.

    Good for you for giving up sugar and junk. I would say to add more fat and protein (avocado drizzled with olive oil would work well for fat for a vegan). When you up your fat and your calories, your body will feel safer to burn.  At that point you will start to drop weight.  

  4. You will lose weight but your calorie intake is way too low.  Your metabolism will eventually drop and your body will go into survival mode which means it will try to hold onto every calorie you consume.

    Please eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and two snacks. Just keep your calorie intake between 1200-1500 calories. Drink plenty of water.

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