
When will India become the best team in cricket and will India win the 2011 World Cup??

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When will India become the best team in cricket and will India win the 2011 World Cup??




  1. Donot be more confident on India team.......India will be best team in 3011 not in 2011 india will lose the match from Bermuda......

  2. Very less chance that India can lift 2011 world cup, there is not much spirit as team, also indians are not well preparing for each game they lack homework. because of all these reasons they lack consistancy!.

    look at aussies ans SA and the way consistent they are.. we are waiting from many decades to india to become like that, its really hopeless!.

    India can be competative within Asia, with less consistant teams like lank and pak.

  3. wen all the other team ALSO play like india (worst Consistency)...........

  4. Now-a-days India is a best cricket team & India will surely win 2011 world cup.

  5. I hope that India wins the World Cup 2011, the youngsters are performing well and they 've the talent too...the team should just focus on consistency!  

  6. CRICKET IS SUCKING GAME...................STUPIDS WATCH IT TIME WASTE.    ONLY  20-20 WOULD DO.........

  7. Hi,

    Yeah ..we can .. and we will


  8. india wont win worldcup

  9. may be india will win the world cup 2011

  10. never, until the players realise that they r playing not for their own status but to uplift the name of their country and unless they stop behaving as kings of bollywood and doing lots of advertisment.

  11. India will become best team and will win the world cup

  12. hope so. but that is possible if the aussies and sa have a big downfall. india is right now filled with youngsters and they are also performing well. i think india wont be no.1 they might br no 3 or so. and they have a good shot on the WC but i just have a feeling they wont win. but they will do well!!

  13. We'll wait&see pal......No place for prediction in cricket...

  14. No, AUS will be the champians for a long time and im an Indian. Maybe when we get some really good youth players but not yet and definately not by 2011. I think around 2015 is our time to shine.

  15. Hope that India become  the best team in cricket and also win the 2011 World Cup..............

  16. three years time is still a long way away but if a team could gather some good players and start preparing would help best...  any team can get there...

  17. Henceforth it will be difficult for any team to match the supremacy achieved by West Indies and Australia(upto now) for about a decade each in the past.Staying at the top for even three years will be very hard.

    Like any other team India too can aspire for annexing the cup.

  18. YES

  19. All members in the team should have involvement, sincerity, plan, devotion in games. If these are attained, any one will win the game.

  20. If it's Gods will we will win! :D

    But my hopes are high on India being the best.

  21. hope so

  22. now also indian cricket team be a good team around the cricket world after reteried of the threee stars there is no one can ............ to bring the indian team front

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